the process that starts in human infancy and continues into late adolescent concentrating on gross and fine motor skills
What is physical development ?
What is one of the 5 S's of how to calm your baby?
Swaddling, Side/Stomach Position, Shush, Swinging, Sucking
The brain is developed into how many parts?
Placing what items in the crib increases the risk of sids?
Placing blankets, Stuffed Animals, Sleeping on the stomach
What is Puberty?
The set if changes that result in a physically mature body that is able to reproduce
Learning what feelings and emotions are/ understand how and why they happen.
What is Emotional development?
How many children are injured or die from baby syndrome?
What part of the brain is associated with memory ?
The Medial Temporal Lobe
What is the human life cycle?
A set of stages of human development that each present different challenges to be met or skills to be acquired
Child's experience ,expression and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others.
What is Social-Emotional development?
One out of four children affected by shaken baby syndrome will
Most of the structural features of the brain occur at this stage
The embryonic period
When a child is removed from the group by being required to sit in a special chair for a short period of time
What is gross motor skills?
Large movements
What age group is most at risk for Shaken Baby Syndrome?
Infants under six months of age
What is Autusim
A disorder that affects a child ability to communicate and interact with others.
When do children begin to start asking "Who" "When" and "Why"?
3-4 Years old
Shaken Baby Syndrome is also known as
Traumatic Brain Injury
What part of the Brain is associated with motor coordination ?
The Cerebellum ( back of the brain )
What is a Nuclear Family?
A family that includes a mother and father, and at least one child