What is the most prominent element present in a star?
Hydrogen gas
Which planet is closest to earth orbitally?
Constellations are group of stars that form patterns. Is it true or false?
What is a Supernova?
A supernova is a powerful explosion of a dying star.
Which stars have the longest lifespan?
The smallest stars have the longest lifespan.
A_ _ _ _ _ i _ B_ _ _
Hint: Found in between Mars and Jupiter
Asteroid Belt
Which constellation is the largest?
How often does a supernova occur?
This happens every 2 to 3 centuries.
Why does the Sun appear to be yellow?
Its short-wavelength colors green, blue and violet are scattered out by the Earth's atmosphere meaning yellow, orange and red are left.
What planet is the most earth like?
Which constellation has a the brightest stars?
What other phenomenon occurs at the death of a star?
What is the brightest star in the night sky?
Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.
How many moons does jupiter have?
95 moons
What is the a red supergiant star called on the right side of Orion?
How hot does a Supernova get?
100 million Celsius
Why do you think starts twinkle?
Stars appear to twinkle because their light passes through our atmosphere which is bent and distorted by varying temperatures and densities of our air.
What is saturn’s biggest moon called?
It is an imaginary belt or path in the heavens that includes the path of the planets.
What resources are abundantly found after a Supernova
Oxygen or Rubidium