Plot Development
Authors Purpose
Text Structure

I, me, my, mine, we, us, ours are words that belong to which point of view.

What is first person pov?

This is what happens after the climax of the story. 

What is falling action? 


Florida is a state in the southern United States. The capital is Tallahassee, and the state bird is the mockingbird. There are many beaches in Florida.

What is to inform? 


To surprise her mother on her birthday, Samantha got up early and made coffee. First, she filled the pot with water. Then, she cleaned and replaced the filter. Next, she got fresh coffee, measured just the right amount, and poured it into the filter. Finally, she pressed the "on" button and within seconds, the aroma of the fresh-brewed coffee filled the house. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . .

What is Chronological order/ sequence?

This is where you restate the question. 



The narrator can reveal what many characters are thinking, feeling, and doing.

What is Third Person Omniscient?


Which part of the plot give background information such as: characters, conflict, and setting

What is exposition?


The spooky haunted house looked extra creepy the night of Halloween. Lots of children went into the Haunted House, looking for a little fun. Soon, they were running out of there as fast as they could run!

What is to entertain? 


Willow Creek is very different from New York City. There are no tall skyscrapers in Willow Creek. All you can see are fields and sky. Instead of taxicab horns and fire truck sirens, it is so quiet at night that you can hear the crickets chirping. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .

What is compare and contrast? 


This is where you answer the question. 



As I walked up the hill, I realized that the atmosphere was just too quiet. There was no sound from the cardinal who was nearly always singing from the top of the maple tree. I thought I saw a shadow move high up on the slope, but when I looked again it was gone. Still, I shuddered as I felt a silent threat pass over me like a cloud over the sun. Label the point of view.

What is first person? 


What is another term for the climax in a story?

What is the turning point? 


I think dogs make the best pets! They are much nicer than lots of other animals, and they are very smart. You can train them to do all sorts of things. Dogs are definitely better than all other pets!

What is to persuade? 


The music was blasting so loud, Marco thought his ears would burst. The stage was filled with bright blue laser beams and a shower of yellow and green paper streamers. All around him, the crowd was singing and dancing wildly. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .

What is description?


This is where you find evidence in the story and use quotations around it. 



How will the story change if you switch from the first person point of view to the third person omniscient point of view?

What is you go from only seeing one character's perspective to seeing the story through many characters' perspectives?


What is the Rising Action?

What are the events leading to the climax?


Dear Governor Perry, I think you should send more money to my school to help us buy some new computers for our classroom. We would be able to learn more and have fun. Sincerely, Mrs. Smith's Class

What is to persuade? 


Joey lost his science book. He knew he would be in big trouble if he was unable to study for the final. What should he do? He thought for a few worried moments, and then decided to retrace his steps. He remembered putting the book in his backpack that morning. He had taken it out at school when his friend Kim asked to look something up. Now he remembered - Kim still had his book! The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .

What is problem and solution? 


This is where you explain the evidence and how it fits into the answer. 



The narrator is not a character in the story, yet he or she can only reveal what one character is thinking and feeling.

What is 3rd person limited? 


What is the Resolution?

What is, how the story comes to an end?


Freddy went to Six Flags on Saturday and rode all kinds of roller coasters. There were spinning roller coasters, upside down, and crazy coasters! He had so much fun!

What is, to entertain? 


Every spring, shortly after the tulips bloom, farmers in Holland go through the tulip fields and cut the blooms off the tulips. This seems strange, because it leaves a field full of green stems. However, it makes the colorful tulip blooms grow back even bigger and stronger later that spring. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .

What is cause and effect? 


This is where you show the significance of your answer and how the text matters. 

