Feature of Geography that allowed the North to create canals and factories
Group of peoples in the United States that were removed in 1830 to make way for American settlers
Native Americans (Indians)
Leader of the Federalist Party, created national bank, and on the current $10 bill.
Also featured in Musical.
Alexander Hamilton
The Adams-Onis Treaty gave the United States the territory of this future state.
The land was taken from Spain
This movement truly does not like alcohol, it is against their religious ideals and too many husbands are spending money on it
Large and Expansive farming of cash crops happened on these, where slaves were needed to harvest!
Name of agreement to allow the states of Missouri and Maine to enter as Slave State and Free State.
Missouri Compromise
Leader of the Democratic Republicans, wanted small government and for the United States to remain a nation of agriculture.
He was also the third President of the United States
Thomas Jefferson
This purchase more than doubled the size of the United States and was a steal at only $15million dollars! Good thing Napoleon was looking to sell.
The Louisiana Purchase.
This conductor on the Underground Railroad once claimed that she never lost a passenger!
Harriet Tubman
Transportation method developed and used greatly by the North...but barely by the South
Railroads and Trains
1832 Court Case that said the United States must protect Native American tribes from the State Governments. This same case was ignored by Andrew Jackson.
Worcester v. Georgia
This rebellion showed that the Democratic-Republicans had to allow the national government to maintain a national military.
It also had to do with taxing a certain drink
The Whiskey Rebellion
This war was cause by Texas being admitted as a slave state, and resulted in the US getting California.
The Mexican-American War.
This former Slave wrote the anti-slavery newspaper The North Star and is featured in Mr. Ey's room by his desk.
Frederick Douglass
Invention that sped up the production of cotton immensely, speeding up the demand for more slaves to pick cotton as well. Invented by Eli Whitney.
Cotton Gin
Name of the removing of Cherokee peoples from their lands forcibly. Leading to many thousands of deaths due to starvation, exhaustion, and disease.
Trail of Tears
This war had an alliance between the Native Americans and the British, showing that a national government needed to have stronger taxes to support an army/defense. Impressment also did not impress Americans at the start of this conflict.
War of 1812
Conflict that resulted from "border ruffians" crossing borders into these states to have voters choose to continue slavery
Bleeding Kansas
This is the term for the movement to ban slavery from the United States, led by many prominent Northerners and former slaves.
Abolitionist movement
The South was resentful to the North for seeming more wealthy, educated, and "snobby"; calling them this name.
Now a famous baseball team.
Treaty that gave the lands of Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana from the Native Americans to the American Government.
Treaty of Chicago
Marbury vs. Madison established this power of the Supreme court to rule laws unconstitutional that Congress or the President could pass.
Judicial Review
John Brown
This convention was led by women who rewrote the declaration of Independence to include women. It encouraged suffrage for women and was led by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Seneca Falls Convention