Universal Theme/ Mood

What can you infer from this sentence? 

"I wouldn't eat after that two-year-old if I were you"

The two-year old did something gross to the food / something bad will happen if you eat after the two-year old.


What was the universal theme for Anything But Typical / Freak The Mighty

Acceptance or Love triumphs overall.


Identify the preposition in the following sentence:

The arrow flew toward the target.



Using context clues from the sentence below, what is the most likely meaning of justify:

 I know there's nothing I can say to justify my actions.

To prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable


What can you infer from the following sentence? 

A man ran after a retreating bus, waving his briefcase frantically

The man is running late and missed his bus.


What was the universal theme for Alice in Wonderland?

Adventure or Imagination


Identify the prepositional phrase in the following sentence:

Man has never traveled beyond our solar system.

beyond our solar system


What is the most likely meaning of pedicure?

A treatment of the feet and toes


What inference can you best make from this sentence:

You're driving on the highway, listening to the radio, and a police officer pulls you over.

You've broken the law in some way while driving


What is an example of a universal theme?

Possible answers:

good vs. evil, love, survival, etc.


Which words from the following sentence are prepositions? Choose two options:

I walked down the street to get a package from a friend.




Based on context clues from the sentence below, what is the most likely meaning of the word apathetic?

The apathetic 6th graders did not enjoy the Kudos store, and didn't even use their tickets.

Having or showing little or no feeling or emotion


What inference can be made based on this sentence?

 Jake almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella even though he would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning.

Jake heard that it was going to rain later in the day.


What is the mood of the ORIGINAL Mary Poppins trailer and how do you know?

Joyful, happy, fun, or exciting. We know this from the bright colors, happy music, singing, and dancing


Which phrases from the sentence are prepositional phrases? Choose two options:

The woman in the blue coat is looking for her dog.

in the blue coat

for her dog


What is the main idea of the Odyssey?

Life is a journey that is filled with obstacles


What is the most logical inference you can make from the details in this sentence

I don’t want you to spend a lot of money on my birthday present. Just having you for a husband is the only gift I need. I’ll just drive my old rusty bucket of bolts down to the mall and hope the poor, old car makes it.

The wife wants the husband to buy her a new car for her birthday.


What is the mood of the re-cut Mary Poppins trailer and how do you know?

Scary, dark, gloomy. We know this because the trailer is dark in color, there is a scary ticking clock in the background, and a storm.


Identify the preposition, prepositional phrase, and object in the following sentence:

Beneath a blanket of stars, the campers huddled around a warm fire

Preposition: beneath

Prepositional Phrase: Beneath a blanket of stars

Object: stars


What is the central idea of "Mission Twinpossible"?

NASA is exploring the effects of space on the human body over the course of one year, using twins to see the impact on genetics.
