"Dragon Ball Z is obviously cooler than Naruto," he claimed. "No way!" I retorted, "Naruto is totally better than Goku!"
replied in a sharp or witty way
When I heard that my friend's uncle died, I sent their family my condolences.
expressions of sympathy
The fight could end in one of two ways-- reconciliation or death.
friendly end to a quarrel
Although not typically religious, the hiker's word were pious when they were found by the rescue team.
showing religious adoration
The rock climbers were trapped under the landslide, helplessly waiting for rescuers to give them succor.
help given to someone in distress; relief
After weight training, then practice, then the game, the football player felt a great languor.
weariness, weakness
The man set up his lookout on the roof, keeping close watch for marauders trying to steal the expensive artwork inside.
people who roam about in search of something to steal
Even though I ate Mexican food for lunch, when my sister begged to go to Monte Alban for dinner, I acquiesced.
accepted, agreed, consented
The path to get to the beach was precipitous and she wondered if a few hours in the sun would be worth climbing back up over the dunes.
very steep
She rolled her eyes and grunted in exasperation when her mother called her into the kitchen for the third time, interrupting her Netflix episode.
great annoyance
A storyteller or narrator who is an outside observer, not a character. They know everything that happens and why.
omniscient narrator
What is an interloper?
someone who gets into a situation in which they do not belong or are not welcome