Present Simple
Present Progressive
Present Perfect
Past Simple

What is the meaning of "to beat around the bush"?

To avoid saying what you mean, often because it would be difficult or uncomfortable


When do we use present simple? (must name at least 2 correctly) 

1) To talk about general truths or facts 

2) To give directions 

3) To talk about habits or daily routines 

4) Newspaper headlines 


When do we use present progressive? (Must answer at least 1 correctly) 

1. To talk about an action that is in progress at the time of speaking

2. To talk about a temporary action that isn’t necessarily in progress at the time of speaking 

3. To emphasize very frequent actions (often with always) 

4. To describe developing situations 

5. To refer to a regular action around a point of time 


When do we use present perfect? (Must answer at least 1 correctly) 

1. Finished actions/states that happened at an indefinite time 

2. Completed past actions carried out in an unfinished time period of speaking 

3. Something which began in the past and is still true now, at the time of speaking. We don’t know if this is likely to continue or not

4. When we describe past actions with present results


When do we use simple past? 

The simple past tense shows that you are talking about something that has already happened. It indicates that the action occurred at a certain time and then was completed.


What is the meaning of "ring a bell"?

Something sounds familiar or reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is


How do I make a negative present simple sentence? 

______ + _______ + _______ + ________

Subject + do/does + not + base form of the verb 


How do we form an affirmative present progressive sentence? 

______ + _______ + ________

Subject + auxiliary verb 'be' + verb ending in -ing 

How do we form a negative present perfect sentence? 

_______ + ______ + _______ + ________ 

Subject + have/has + not + past participle 


How do we form a negative past simple sentence? 

_______ + ________ + ________ + _________

Subject + did + not + base form of verb 


What is the meaning of "sit tight"?

Wait patiently 

When the verb ends in a consonant plus'y', what do we need to do? 

Change the y to i and add -es (try → tries, hurry → hurries, cry → cries)


How do we form a negative present progressive sentence? 

______ + _______ + ________ + ________

Subject + auxiliary verb 'be' + not + verb ending in -ing 


When do we use for, and when do we use since? (Both answers must be correct) 

We use for with periods of time (to talk about the duration: for 2 months, for 10 years, etc.) 

We use since for points of time (to talk about when something started: since 2016, since last year, etc.) 


What do we do when the base form of the verb ends in a vowel + y?                                                       



When the base form ends in a vowel + y, add -ed. Do not change the y. (stay = stayed) 




What is the meaning of "hangry"?

To be so hungry that you're in a bad mood (hungry + angry = hangry) 


Conjugate the verb "be" for each subject in the present simple: 

I ____

You ____

She/He/It _____

They ____

We ____

I am 

You are 

She/He/It is

They are 

We are 


How do we form a question in the present progressive tense? 

_______ + ________ + ________ ? 

Auxiliary verb 'be' + subject + verb ending in -ing ?


Write an affirmative sentence, a negative sentence, and a question in the present perfect tense using the verb "eat" and the subject "He". (All 3 must be correct) 

eat = eaten 


Write an affirmative sentence, a negative sentence, and a question in the past simple tense using the verb "stop" and the subject "They". (All 3 must be correct and spelling must also be correct)

stop = stopped 


What is the meaning of "bite the bullet"?

To do something that’s uncomfortable or not fun and get it over with


Write an affirmative sentence, negative sentence and a question in the present simple tense using the verb "study" and the subject "she". (Spelling must be correct!) 

(She studies ________.)

(She doesn't study ______.)

(Does she study _______?) 


Write an affirmative sentence, a negative sentence, and a question in the present progressive tense using the verb "drive" and the subject "you". (Spelling must be correct!) 

drive = driving 


What are the past particles of the following irregular verbs? (All must be correct) 

1. be

2. go 

3. do 

4. know 

5. take 

1. been

2. gone

3. done 

4. known

5. taken 


Pronounce the following past simple verbs correctly: (all 3 must be pronounced correctly) 

1) Cooked 

2) Learned 

3) Wanted 

1) Cooked (/t/)

2) Learned (/d/) 

3) Wanted (/ed/) 
