Right hand "L" pulls out from chest
The bear is big.
I can't bear the pain.
Sign the same.
F's outline "house"
Require + -ment
How do you sign the ending -ion/-sion/-tion?
S moves down left palm
SEE was invented to replace ASL?
False. SEE is an educational tool that shows English on the hands.
Palm up moves to become "Y"
I like your haircut.
You look like your mother.
Sign the same.
Right hand index points up at left hand G
Re- + Join
How do you sign the marker n't?
Right hand palm out N twists in
When adding an affix it is best to isolate it and make bigger than the sign it modifies.
False. Affixes should flow from the "base" sign and not be emphasized more than the "base" word.
"L" slides across left hand, sideways 1
Use the saw to cut down the tree.
I saw a bird in the tree.
Sign different.
F circles out along the length of left arm palm down "ground"
Laugh + -able
How do you sign the prefix dis- ?
D's start crossed and pull down and apart like "not"
SEE uses 75% of ASL and only changes the sign if more than one meaning is connected with that sign.
True. Almost all the signs in the SEE book are connected to the original ASL sign.
That's great news!
Don't step on the sidewalk grate.
Sign different
Right hand S circles around left hand 1
Social + -ize
How do you sign the affix -ist?
I's drop down in the sign for "person"
One sign can only represent one word in SEE.
True. "A sign should be translatable to only one English word equivalent."
"A" moves from lips to palm up left hand
He plays baseball every summer.
She has a part in the school play.
Sign the same
Right hand "I" moves from near eye to sideways left palm ("picture")
Liquid + -ify
How do you sign the affix ending -dom?
Right hand D circles out and back to palm down horizontal left arm ("land")
SEE does not use visual features to add meaning.
False. Skilled SEE signers add clarity to their English signs by using placement, directionality, facial expressions, etc in their signing.
Hook thumbs of palm-in hands and flutter fingers
He always leaves his books on the table.
The leaves are beautiful.
Sign different
R's sit on top of each other and pull back to S's
Parent + -age
How do you sign the prefix inter-?
Right hand I moves in and out of left hand 5 hand
SEE discourages the use of mouthing or speaking words when signing.
False. "Always speak/mouth when you sign and let facial expressions and body English aid in communication."