What is a habit?
Automatic routines or things we do, often without even really thinking about them.
Can recommended video functions be dangerous?
Yes, users will be lead by the application to watch or view certain things. This can be addictive or push harmful behaviors depending on the content.
This game is Nintendo's most popular game.
Super Mario Bros
Define Impersonation (Catfishing)?
This is when a person pretends to be someone they are not. This can be done to try and make friends, or in more malicious ways.
In this year, the game The Legend of Zelda was released.
What does de-escalate mean?
To lessen the intensity or anger in a conflict
How can developers design things to be user friendly?
Large fonts, easy to read, instructing users what to do, customizable features.
This game is made by Infinity Ward and Treyarch.
Call of Duty
What are some steps you can take to avoid identity theft?
Don't reveal personal information, use strong passwords, check before you enter information into a website or online shop, keep personal belongings safe.
This game company sold it's 1 billionth game cartridge in 1996.
What are some ways you can de-escalate a digital conflict?
Respond with a positive comment or action.
Ignore the post.
Talk (offline) with the person involved to try to de-escalate the situation.
Are targeted ads or functions addictive? Why or Why not?
They can be addictive, some people may continue to use personalized apps if they are tuned into specific niche things they enjoy.
This is Atari's most popular game.
Is this an example of identity theft or impersonation (Catfish)?
Morgan gets her account hacked and the hacker sends a mean email to her friends bullying them.
Impersonation (Catfish)
This Atari game sold 35,000 machines.
What are some ways we can use technology responsibly? (Think taking breaks)
Pause and focus on our responsibilities
Change our environment
silence and distance ourselves from our phones
What is one specific application design that can cause users to become addicted?
Autoscroll, Autoplay, No built in breaks.
This guitar game is made by Activision.
Guitar Hero
Define Identity Theft?
This is a type of crime a type of crime in which your private information is stolen and used for criminal activity.
In this year, Xbox worldwide was released.
What is digital well-being?
Double points if you can give an example
This is the way we experience media and technology in a way that supports one's mental, physical, social, and emotional health. It's also a practice of using technology in a healthy way to generate, maintain, and experience well-being.
What is one way developers can design a software to be less addictive?
Notifications to take breaks, teach users to be safe, mindful of digital wellbeing
This game is the most popular iPhone game.
Is this an example of identity theft or impersonation?
Someone steals a person's bookbag. Inside they have their wallet. The person takes the ID and uses it to take out a loan at a store.
Identity Theft
This game was the first ever video game.
Tic, Tac, Toe