Front Desk
Kids Club

What is the procedure to use after you have determined if a caller is an info call?

Ask: Are you currently a member?

Mark the info call on the rotation in the indicated place.

 It is paged as an any available phone call. Use the pagers to relay this to the Fitness Counselor until the call is picked up. Only after a substantial amount of time and re-parking should you page overhead using the script listed above. Follow the same procedures to maintain contact with callers that are re-parked until a Fitness Counselor becomes available to take their call. Mark the info call on the rotation sheet in the indicated place. (if they are calling about bringing a guest it is still an info call)


Name 5 tips for soothing crying babies.

SHH, Swaddle, Side, Stomach, Suck


Explain the steps if a member would like to use a FC gift certificate?

 Ensure you have their full name and member number. Create a new HAT account for them and apply the whole value of the certificate.


What is the difference between fruit smoothies and signature smoothies?

 Fruit Smoothie = healthy snacks. Signature Smoothies have a specific purpose/ benefit.


What is cross-contamination?

 Cross contamination occurs when contaminants or allergens are transferred from one surface or food to another


How often do the phones ring back after they are placed on park?

45 seconds


What are the 4 alternatives to punishment?

Point out ways to be helpful

Express Strong Disapproval

Give them choices

Take action and have them make amends


What is the difference between whey protein and whey protein isolate? 

Whey Isolate is a more processed protein. Meaning it contains more true whey per scoop.


When viewing someone's account, how do you determine if their balance is positive or negative?

 Parenthesis = positive


Whats the process for leaving a note on a members account?

After performing most transactions, leaving a note on the members account is required so future receptionists know of the interaction.

Type the desired note in the ‘receptionist notes’ section of FMS.  Click the  ‘Log’ button, type your initials, and then click the ‘save’ button. 


Know the difference between a Monthly Payment and Renewal payments

A monthly payment is made when they are in their contract.

A renewal payment is made when they are out of their contract.


List the 4 fundamental rules of engaging children.

-Be prepared

- Enthusiasm

- Don’t take no for an answer

- Respect


What must never be worn near the wrist or hands and why?

 Jewelry. Due to the risk of it leading to physical contamination of food.


Explain how we sample smoothies.

 Prepare a large smoothie. Divide into a bunch of the plastic shot cups. Arrange on a tray and carry out offering to members as they pass by. Off coupons to those you take a sample.


What is a food allergen & how can we prevent allergic reactions from happening? 

Reactions triggered as a result of exposure to certain foods/ food products. Prevent cross contamination


What would you do if a member has a message older than six months on their account?

What would you do if a member does not have a picture on their account?

Send to guest services


What is Hit and Split for Kids Club (S.H.A.R.P)?

See everyone


Avoid tunneling

Rotate with other attendants

Play with the children


What is Metabolic Drive Protein? 

Mix of Whey and Casein protein along with other vitamin/ minerals


When scooping up any ingredient what should each scoop look like? 

Flat Scoops


Describe the procedure when a parked call rings back twice.

Offer to send them to the persons voicemail


Describe the procedure used when required to page overhead.

Press the ‘OH   Page’ button to page over the loud speaker. Speak clearly and consciously into the phone. Prior to hanging up, press the receiver to avoid hearing the noise of the hang-up on the loud speaker. Be conscious of incoming and parked calls to avoid handing up on anyone.


When paging management, exclude the department name.

For   example:   “Attention   please   Adrian   Antigua,   please   come   to   the   front   desk.

Attention please Adrian Antigua, please come to the front desk.  Thank you.”


Name the five steps of positive discipline.

(1) Ask for appropriate behavior  (2) Positive Practice (3) Over correction (4)  Go over rules and give a choice (5) Call supervisor and get parent


What are the 5 things that be must written on all food items that we put out?

 What it is, location (Gainesville), establishment (JBar), expiration date, serving size.


List each aspect of the Delivery Priority Scenario in order.

 Ensure delivery is unloaded in correct area, check order for completeness, store frozen items, store refrigerated items, store dry goods, restock sold out items


Know the difference and what to do and when a member vs. guest calls asking for a specific FC and they are unavailable.

Member: Get them with that Fitness Counselor. If that FC isn’t there offer them their voicemail or the opportunity to speak to another counselor.

Guest: Get them with that Fitness Counselor. If that FC isn’t there DO NOT offer them the option to speak with another FC, unless they ask to. Simply apologize for the inconvenience and offer them that FC’s voicemail.
