This famous exploit was used to undermine Iran's nuclear program
This famous technique involves using small code snippets next to function return instructions to gain control flow
The best browser, also know as _
Teams were made today with a __
This well-known group in Cyber started as an IRAD program
This is your grandboss
Wren Sigrest
This unsafe deserialization bug wrecked havoc in Java's popular log4j library
This program analysis tool was first published in the NDSS paper "The Art of War: Offensive Techniques in Binary Analysis"
Unix stores its binaries in a directory _
To win this CTF, you have to be locked __
Of all the projects Battelle has worked on, this one is the most famous
The Manhattan Project
This solver has 11 siblings, 6 brothers and 5 sisters
Mickey Steward
This famous iPhone exploit chain was burned against Kaspersky Labs in 2023
Operation Triangulation
This imaging technique involves blasting electrons in a beam, and is particularly useful for recovering IC layouts
SEM imaging (Scanning electron microscopy)
Time for my favorite disassembler _, but for my least favorite programming language, Google's __
IDA Pro, Go
The first national lab that Battelle began to manage in 1965
Pacific Northwest National Lab
This Virginia data scientist once deleted all of MFT's leading IP solution, Cyberhive, via a single well timed 'rm -rf /etc'
Anthony Cavallero
A hardware flaw in allowing attackers to leak data from the out-of-order machine in Intel chips, better known as
This tool is best known as a GUI for decompiling Android APK files
The Linux Kernel mascot, his name is _
One input, two outputs, that's a __
Tux, Mux
Fun fact! Battelle has a really deep pool for submarines, it also worked on this famous submarine starting in the late 1940s, the first of its kind
The Nautilus
A nightmarish and powerful solver who listened to Lil Nas X's "Old Town Road" for 3 hours on repeat
Zac Markle
This bug, exposed in the USENIX paper "All cops are broadcasting", allows any attacker to snoop radio traffic of a well-known protocol
A heap grooming trick where an attacker forces multiple executing programs onto a single core
CPU pinning
Oh man I love my _, I love its instruction set, __
Wii, PowerPC
Battelle Cyber has TWO solvers on their website by name, they are
Katie L and Adam K
Widely regarded as the most handsome solver
you ;)