A lack or deficiency in the SQF System producing unsatisfactory conditions that carry a food safety or quality risk and likely to result in a System element breakdown
What are we trying to identify?
Gaps and/or opportunities for improvement
How do we schedule each audit?
By quarter, all audits should be conducted annually
Give 3 examples of effective traits an auditor should have
Impartial, honest, observant, diplomatic, well-trained, communicative
What was the name of the 2024 SQF auditor?
Eardley Barrett
An observation made by the auditor during a site audit or inspection that identifies an issue that is not a non-conformance but is not industry best practice and provides the opportunity to improve
Opportunity for Improvement (OIP)
What are we trying to prevent?
Problems instead of reacting to them
Results and issues are reported to involved parties and senior management
Give 2 examples of ineffective traits an auditor shouldn't have
Condescending, hostile, know-it-all, argumentative
This team member has a HACCP tattoo
1) A break-down of control(s) at a critical control point, pre-requisite program or other process step and judged likely to cause a significant public health risk whereby product safety is compromised and judged likely to result in a Class 1 or Class 2 recall if effective corrective action is not taken.
2) Falsification of records relating to food safety controls and the SQF System.
External audits
Examples of objective evidence
Records, factual statements, and any verifiable information (document reviews & interviews)
Why should you ask open ended questions as much as possible?
To not lead them to the correct answer, you can learn something you wouldn't have thought of, it can lead to asking more questions, etc.
Why did the orange juice factory fire Keith?
He couldn't concentrate
A lack or deficiency in the SQF System that produces unsatisfactory conditions that if not addressed may lead to a risk to food safety and quality but not likely to cause a System element breakdown.
What is internal auditing verifying?
1) Say what we do! – through written SOPs
2) Do what we say! – follow our SOPs
3) We prove it!- with records
Every line (requirement) of the most current SQF code is evaluated
Identified scope
True or false:
Scheduling time with someone you have questions for is the best way to ensure they have time to help you
True! Dropping in/calling them can lead to a rushed answer instead of a thoughtful answer
this new AF baby, will be old enough to join the internal audit team in 2042
What would the finding be for the following:
A chemical closet was left propped open while you were touring the facility for your internal audit.
True or False:
You want to avoid giving findings during your internal audit.
False! This will help prepare us for external audits and avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.
Why do we trend non-conformances/findings?
To identify widespread or recurring issues and compare them to outside audit results
What are possible reasons for a non-conformance?
A lack of training or an SOP can be unclear, so don't be critical!
When is Ariana Grande's Birthday?
June 26, 1993