Your hand goes over this body part when saying the pledge of allegiance.
Corazón (Heart)
___, Shoulders, Knees, and toes.
What is the blank?
Cabeza (Head)
It converts the food we eat into energy for the body's cells.
Páncreas (pancreas)
These are the first thing you open when you wake up.
Ojos (Eyes)
This internal body part helps you breathe.
Pulmones (Lungs)
People usually say they have a lot on their___.
Hombros (shoulders)
This is where you would THINK that your food digests.
Estómago (stomach)
When playing dodge ball, you are told to throw only from the ____ and below.
Cuello (neck)
This Internal body part gives instructions to the other parts in the body on how to function.
Cerebro (Brain)
You can use these to help you listen in class.
Orejas (ears)
This body part is all throughout the body which allows mobility.
Muscles (músculos)
You use this to hula hoop.
Cadera (hip)
This is where 90% of digestion occurs.
Intestino delgado (small intestine)
This helps you to be able to break down food before it gets to your stomach.
Boca (Mouth)
The___processes this blood leaving the stomach and intestines.
Hígado (Liver)
You need these to walk.
Los Pies (Feet)
This helps you to be able to bend your lower parts of the body.
Rodilla (knee)
You use this as one of your five senses.
Nariz (nose)
This body part helps you get rid of waste products left within your body.
Intestino grueso (Large Intestine)
You use this to get places in life everyday.
Piernas (Legs)