3rd Party Evaluations
English Language Proficiency

What agency would the evaluation need to be a member of? 

NACES and AICE ( they must be a member of these evaluation agencies)


Are students who are from U.S. territories considered international?

  • No. U.S. territories are considered an extension of the U.S. and are therefore processed the same as domestic students.

What are three examples of of exception for English Proficiency? 

Proof of U.S. citizenship as demonstrated by an approved government issued document

Proof of a full academic year of high school in the U.S. with passing grade in one year of standard English

Proof Of a full year Of post-secondary education in the U.S. with a minimum Of 24 transferable semester hours or

uivalent at the baccalaureate level tau ht in En lish

Proof Of 24 transferable semester hours Of English completed at an international institution evaluated as the U.S.

uivalent at the baccalaureate level

Proof of completed academic credential from an institution based in an English speaking country

Proof that instruction for academic program or credential was completed entirely in English


My student is from Canada. Do they need a third party evaluation for their college and/or high school?

  • As long as we can verify accreditation of the institution and that it is equivalent to the U.S. degree we are able to evaluate this without going through a third party agency.
  • At the point of evaluation the TCE will verify accreditation and let the admission counselor know if any additional verification is required.

How long are English Proficiency Scores valid for?

  • Generally, English proficiencies scores are valid for two years.
  • Any test scores over two years will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

What can we use to provide proof of US citizenship?

  • U.S. Passport
  • Birth certificate which clearly shows U.S. citizenship.
  • Consular Report of Birth or Certification of Birth Abroad
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • Naturalization Certificate

How do I submit an English Proficiency exemption request for my international student?

  • The following steps must be completed before submitting a case. This can be done directly on the application before it’s submitted or after the application is submitted on the “International Information” section within the Admission Opportunity. 

Where can you find out what countries are exempt from English Language Proficiency? 

Unify Knowledge 


Can I AEP an international undergraduate student who just has unofficial transcripts on file?

  • No. Please see the question “Can I AEP and international undergraduate student” for minimum requirements.

What is Duolingo? 

  • The English proficiency admission requirement app will be updated for the January 2020 catalog to include Duolingo as an acceptable test for international students. This allows students to take this requirement at their own pace!
What type of third party evaluation does a student need for international courses? 

A student needs a course by course evaluation for college level transcripts. 


When would an international student be eligible for AEP? 

Once all the international requirements have been satisfied. 


What is the TCE’s process to reviewing if the student can have their International High School and/or English Proficiency Scores satisfied?

  • A TCE will review all official documents on file to see if the student meets the international high school and/or English proficiency score exemption.
  • If the student disagrees with this assessment, please escalate to leadership who will have it reviewed.

If my student completed both high school and college outside the U.S. can they be on the same third party evaluation?

  • Yes. The college needs to be a course by course and it needs to state the high school is equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma from an accredited institution.
  • The third party evaluation agency needs to be a member of NACES or AICE in order to be evaluated.

What is the minimum score for acceptance at SNHU? Can I retake the test if I don’t achieve that?

  • The minimum score is 105.
  • Students may take the test two times within a 30-day period.

Why do we need an evaluation of a student’s international bachelors?

  • In order to fulfill the admission requirements, we need to make sure that the international bachelors is equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor's by an accredited institution.

List five countries that are exempt from English Language Proficiency: 

American Samoa, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Botswana, Cameroon, Canada (except Quebec), Cayman Islands, Denmark, Dominica, Fiji, Finland, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guam, Guyana, Ireland, Isle of Man, Israel, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Montserrat, Namibia, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uganda, United Kingdom, Vanuatu, Virgin Islands, Wales, Zambia, Zimbabwe


If a student has completed some of their bachelors in the U.S. and their high school in Japan, what documentation is needed to satisfy the English Proficiency requirement?

  • The student will not need to provide course by course evaluation for their bachelors. If they apply for a bachelors instead of a mater's, they will need to provide a document-by-document evaluation. 

If a student with an international transcript has also taken some courses in the US, what should the student submit?

  • The student should provide their US transcripts and an attestation.
  • Based on the course work in the US, the student may be considered for an English proficiency exception.
  • A course-by-course evaluation of any undergraduate coursework completed internationally is required to consider that course work for potential transfer credit.

How much does it cost for students to take the Duolingo test?

  • The cost is $70.