What is the name used to describe Myanmar’s military leaders?



David Kang rejects realist explanations of Asia and suggests that peace in Asia can be explained by this type of system that is returning to Asia

A Chinese dominated hierarchy


What does the acronym FONOP stand for?

Freedom of navigation operations


What action did the US take in March 1996 when China engaged in provocative missile tests near Taiwan’s coast?

The U.S. sends two carrier battle groups to the area.


What two Asian states fought a war in 1962?

The 1962 Sino-Indian War (One cause was Mao Zedong’s view that India was supporting Tibetan rebels)


What does Benjamin Silberstein mean by “small reunification”?

He says that (1) the economic activity produced by areas such as the Kaesong Industrial Complex can lead to (2) patterns of economic reform and vested interests in prosperity that can lead to (3) political pluralism and forms of future reunification


One of the reasons why it is important to understand whether a state like China is a revisionist or a status quo power relates to the predictions of power transition theory.  What kind of behavior does power transition theory predict as it applies to revisionist states?

According to the ideas of power transition theory “the probability of war is expected to increase when a rising state overtakes an incumbent hegemon, and when this rising state is motivated by a revisionist agenda.”


Name at least one of contested territories between China and India.

China still claims Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh.


Name at least one of the terror groups inspired by Kashmiri nationalism.




What is Glaser’s grand bargain approach?

The US abandons its defense of Taiwan in exchange for China’s acceptance of the current forwardly positioned US military presence in East Asia as well as backing off in the South China and East China Seas


According to Christensen et al why do Myanmar’s leaders tend to cling to power?

Non-democratic prerogatives including:


-Political influence

-Formal roles within the new administration.

-Control of resources-violence-conspiracy argument


What is the name of the inter-tribal revenge killing in Mindanao mentioned by Benedict Jimenez?



What is the concept of “relationship specific assets”? Please also provide at least one example of how this applied to mainland-Hong Kong relations until 2019?

Relationship specific assets: Assets that maintain their value so long as a relationship persists.

E.g. Hong Kong’s role as a source of FDI,  services, independent rule of law, property rights, China’s 2003 Article 23 backdown


Legal scholar Johannes Chan details a variety of ways in which the 2020 National Security Law has changed the political, legal, and social landscape of Hong Kong.  Please provide three specific examples.  

  • No trial by jury for NSL cases
  • Limitations on bail for NSL cases, which allowed for the jailing of opposition leaders
  • Chief Executive selection of NSL judges
  • Operation of central government institutions/agents (of the NSL committee/office) without local judicial oversight
  • After the trial of Tong Ying Kit, slogans such as “Liberate Hong Kong; Revolution of our Times” are seen as a NSL secession violation rather than freedom of speech

According to  Edward Steinfeld, what is the name of the concept that describes how China threw its doors open to the rules, dictates, and norms of foreign firms and international institutions (like the WTO). He says that Chinese firms became “immersed in international networks, dependent upon foreign international bankers and lawyers, partnered with leading global companies in their respective sectors, and subject to the regulatory strictures of foreign governments.”

Institutional outsourcing


Exactly how much trade and what percentage of the world’s fish are caught in the South China Sea each year?

-Over 5 Trillion  Dollars of trade passes through it each year 

-12 percent of the world’s fish are caught


In spite of the close ties between China and Russia, please name the type of Russian behavior that China objects to (according to Kaczmarski). Please also provide a real-world example of such opposition.

China has not supported Russian military interventions because it fears further revolt in Xinjiang and Tibet.

-Russian military intervention in August 2008 to support ethnic Russians in South Ossetia and Abkahzia

-Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014

-And Russia’s post 2014 covert war in Eastern Ukraine


Between 2004 and 2007 secret talks between Indian and Pakistan on the status of Kashmir produced the four-point formula.  Please name the four elements of this plan.

- Decentralized local control provides tailor-made solutions for the needs of local people.

- Local people increase local government effectiveness through “voice” in which democracy allows voting out bad leaders.

- Local people also have greater incentives to pay taxes because local governments are more responsive to local people.

- Local government effectiveness is also created through “exit” when local citizens remove their tax paying by moving to another jurisdiction.

- Decentralization can also reduce conflict by including local leaders in negotiations.


What are arguments against US strategic clarity toward China with regard to Taiwan and the South China Sea?

Chang et al point out that strategic clarity will fuel Beijing’s suspicions that the US is supporting Taiwan’s independence.

Clarity may also give more courage to the Taiwanese to declare independence

Clarity is weak against China’s “gray-zone” coercion strategy (like paramilitary harassment, misinformation, and island construction), which avoids traditional conventional warfare red lines.


According to Scott Moore, what are the key factors that will maintain the science, technology, and innovation (STI) advantage of the US (and its liberal democratic allies in Asia and Europe) over China?

“More than anything else,” he says, liberal values and institutions of liberal states will maintain the STI advantage of the US and its allies.

He argues that government censorship and corruption and mistrust are too pervasive in China, as compared to frequently organization cultures of trust, information sharing, and collaboration that are more common in liberal states.

Moore reports widespread cases of doctoral students admitted to Chinese university programs after bribes.

While some laws encouraged innovation and freedoms for researchers other Chinese security laws prevented information sharing.
