Some more ism theories
Essay Questions
To have distinct territory that is recognized mutually by others, with it's own freedom to behave as it pleases and in control of itself.
What is Sovereignty?
Classical Realism
What is the theory that says human nature is the reason that states want power in order to survive?
Neo-Classical Realism
What is a theory that says anarchy is not important, yet domestic politics matter, its about interactions with other states.
Power Transition Theory
What is it when conflict arises due to dissatisfaction, an imbalance of power, challenging of power and states trying to move up the power ladder?
How are democratic peace theory and economic interdependence theory related?
Science deforms, a good theory must be falsifiable, if it can't be disproven then it is a bad theory.
What is Karl Popper's definition of a good theory?
What is the theory that says that the system of anarchy is the reason that states want power in order to survive?
14 points made by Woodrow Wilson in 1918 to justify war.
What are the origins of liberalism?
Democratic Peace Theory
What is it when democracies are considered to be more peaceful states because of institutional, normative and economic reasons.
Mingst and Snyder (pp. 300-309)
Criticize liberalism from a realist perspective.
Academia is an institution and not perfect. It can cause a line of similar thinkers that do similar research. A revolution must occur to truly falsify.
What is Thomas Kuhn's idea of what makes a good theory?
Defensive Neo-Realism
What is a theory that says maximizing power is bad, a state needs just enough power to survive in the system of anarchy? power is a means to security but not an end (Waltz)
The summation of the 14 points of liberalism.
What is The points advocate: 1.Free trade 2.Democracy (right of citizens to have a say in state action) 3.Limited militarization (defensive neorealism?) 4.The right to self-determination 5.The need to sacrifice some sovereignty to a higher power (alleviate the influence of anarchy)
The difference between monadic and dyadic democratic peace theories.
What is Dyadic = democracies don't fight democracies (more widely accepted) Monadic = democracies are more peaceful in general (some people take exception to)
Why do you agree or disagree with realism?
To back up Kuhn's ideas, theories become bad when scientists adapt their theories to fit new realities, and not start new research from scratch (degenerative problem shift). We need more progressive problem shifts for new realities which start from scratch.
What is Imre Lakotos' idea of what makes a good theory?
Offensive Neo Realism
What is the theory that says a state should be as powerful as possible to minimize threats in a system of anarchy? Power is a means and an end (Mearsheimer)
The difference between offensive neo-realism and offensive neo-classical realism
What is: offensive neo-realism -anarchy;struggle for power; unitary and rational actors -states maximize power; want to dominate offensive neo-classical realism -relative power drives international politics; -struggle for power (though “power” is broad); -domestic politics matter because power is translated through the state -Revisionist states seek to maximize power, destabilizing the system
What is it when a states relations depend on how a state interacts with another state, and they can do so in one of three ways: 1) Classical-Realist world (enemies) 2) Lockean, states rights are recognized but no one cares about you. (rival) 3) Kantian, friends and a good inter-state culture and community is born
What are the differences and similarities of realism and liberalism? Use a real world example.
Ordering Principle, Units and Distribution of Capabilities
What are the three parts of Waltz's IR perspective of the system?
The summation of realism problem shifts
What is 1.Classical Realism: (i) human nature; (ii) struggle for power; (iii) unitary and rational actors 2. Structural Realism/Neorealism: (i) anarchy; (ii) struggle for power; (iii) unitary and rational actors a. Offensive: States maximize power; want to dominate b. Defensive: States only want enough power to ensure survival 3.Neo-Classical Realism: (i) relative power drives international politics; (ii) struggle for power (though “power” is broad); (iii) domestic politics matter because power is translated through the state a. Offensive: Revisionist states seek to maximize power, destabilizing the system b. Defensive: If defensive capabilities > offensive, war unlikely in that relationship
The difference between defensive neo-realism and defensive neo-classical realism
What is: defensive neo-realism -anarchy;struggle for power; unitary and rational actors -States only want enough power to ensure survival defensive neo-classical realism -relative power drives international politics; -struggle for power (though “power” is broad); -domestic politics matter because power is translated through the state -If defensive capabilities > offensive, war unlikely
What is a theory of international relations that is predicated on economic relationships? That all of international relations is because of the inequalities from the economy.