Best Practices
Student Scenarios
Wild Card!

This could allow a student to be eligible for an exemption

What is English proficiency?


This should be done if you get an International student on the phone

What is treat them like a normal student and complete the discovery?


My student is from Canada. Do they need a third party evaluation for their college and/or high school?

What is yes?


A third party evaluator needs to be a member of one of these two evaluation agencies

What is NACES or AICE


English proficiency scores are valid for this long

What is 2 years?


All provinces except one from this country qualify for an English Proficiency 

What is Canada?


Do you need to ask a student if they have a Visa?

What is no?


My student completed their degree in Italy, then moved to the US and took 2 classes at a community college in the States. What do they need to submit?

What are English proficiency, third party evaluation, attestation form, and official transcript from US-based community college


These 5 bodies are US territories and thus are not considered international

What are Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa?


This is the cheapest and fastest English proficiency test

What is Duolingo?

This kind of case allows you to request an International Exemption

What is ESS case?


This is how you should speak about a potential English exemption

What is: "Based on your prior educational background, you may qualify for an exemption to our English Proficiency requirement. Once we have your [supporting educational document] on file, we can review it to determine if you qualify for the exemption."


A student tells you that they have a Student Visa. What do you do? 

What is advise them that they will need to study on Campus, and direct them to our International Campus Admission team?


These things qualify proof of US Citizenship

What is a US passport, a birth certificate (clearly showing US citizenship), consular report of birth/certification of birth abroad, certificate of citizenship, or a naturalization certificate?


Do third party evaluations expire?

What is no?


These two things must be done before requesting an International Exemption

What is ensuring the student's supporting documents (Government documents and/or educational documents) are on file AND updating the required fields under "International Information in the student's opportunity?


You're having trouble understanding a student. What do you do? 

What is ask students to repeat themselves or clarify, repeat things back to them, speak clearly/enunciate, and avoid using jargon/internal language? 


International student was accepted however the international credits have not yet been authenticated as noted by TCE in the closed Admission Evaluation case. At this time, no transfer credits have been applied. Student used SpanTran as their service. Student is upset that they have a blank transfer credit evaluation and has asked us to update it multiple times.

What is the student has to connect with SpanTran to confirm when their transcript is verified for a second copy to be sent to us, and an additional document evaluation case to be created once received. 


Can you AEP an International graduate student?

What is yes, as long as we have their official third party evaluation of their conferred UG degree, we have their English proficiency, and we are just waiting on domestic credits. 


Name the evaluation services with which SNHU has a secure portal and thus allows for the fastest delivery and processing.

What is ACEI, ECE, IEE, SpanTran, or WES.
