famous women
who said this
famous women 2
women's history
self care

This famous woman refused to give up her seat on the bus during the Civil Rights Movement.

A. Marie Curie

B. Rosa Parks

C. Elenor Roosevelt 

B. Rosa Parks


Who said: “Well-behaved women seldom make history.” ?

a. Michelle Obama

b. Elanor Roosevelt 

c. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich 

C. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich 


What famous woman was known for creating the underground railroad?

a. Harriet Tubman 

b. Sojourner Truth 

c. Susan B. Anthony

a. Harriet Tubman 


In what year did women in the United States win the right to vote?

a. 1776
b. 1848
c. 1920
d. 1946

c. 1920


Name one consequence of not getting enough sleep

Limit your ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems. Lead to aggressive or inappropriate behavior such as yelling at others or being impatient.


What Famous Woman was the first woman to fly a solo flight? 

A. Amelia Earhart

B. Florence Nightingale

C. Rosa Parks

A. Amelia Earhart


Who said “I have as much muscle as any man, and can do as much work as any man.” ?

a. Sojourner Truth 

b. Michelle Obama

c. Jane Austen

a. Sojourner Truth 


What famous woman was a well known activist during the women's suffrage movement? 

a. Elizabeth Blackwell

b. Susan B Anthony

c. Rosa Parks

B. Susan B Anthony 


How many years did it take for women to win the right to vote in the United States?

a. 72 years
b. 120 years
c. 20 years
d. 51 years

a. 72 years (from the first Women’s Rights Convention in 1848 to 1920)


What is an alternative way to relieve stress?

meditate, drink tea, call a family member or friend, talk to a therapist etc. 


What famous woman was the scientific genius behind what we know today as X-Rays?

a. Rosa Parks

b. Jane Austen

c. Marie Curie

c. Marie Curie


Who said “Women have always been the strong ones of the world.” ?

a. Stella McCarthy

b. Kate Hudson

c. Coco Chanel

c. Coco Chanel


Which famous woman was one of the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States?

Hint: Her initials are RBG

Ruth Badger Ginsburg 


Women who worked for women’s right to vote were called

a. radical
b. immoral
c. suffragist
d. all of the above

d. all the above


Name one way to get better sleep

Eat healthy, exercise regularly, meditate, listen to soft music, put away electronics etc. 


What famous woman is one of the most prestigious authors in British history?

a. Jane Austen

b. Frida Kahlo

c. Rosalind Franklin 

a. Jane Austen


Who said “You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it’s right.” ?

a. Harriet Tubman

b. Rosa Parks

c. Michelle Obama

b. Rosa Parks


What famous girl became famous after her death when her diary was published about being a Jew during WWII?

Anne Frank


During World War II, Mexican-American women were not hired to be “Rosie the Riveters.” True or false?

False!  Thousands of “Rositas” worked in plants and factories throughout the war years, as well as serving in the military and as civilian volunteers


What are some ways to deal with your emotions?

talking it out with someone you trust, listening to music, exercise, etc. 


What famous woman was a Latina artist who often did self-portraits?

a. Georgia O' Keeffe

b. Frida Kahlo

c. Sally Ride

b. Frida Kahlo


Who said “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn’t be that women are the exception.” ?

a. RBG aka Ruth Bader Ginsburg

b. Margaret Thatcher

c. Nancy Reagan 

a. RBG aka Ruth Bader Ginsburg


What famous women created what we know today as social work?

Jane Addams


Who is the dancer, singer, actor, fund raiser, author, and poet who read a specially-composed poem at President Bill Clinton’s inauguration in 1993? (Hint: she is still alive to this day!)

Maya Angelou 


Name an example of a self-mantra.

I am worthy, I am unique, I am beautiful, I am imperfectly me, and that is GREAT! :)
