Oops, I didn't mean to do that!
Yikes, I shouldn't have done that!
I know what that is!
EVERYONE knows that!
I'll bet you didn't know...
The message you leave under someone's post.
What is a comment?
The way a person acts in different situations show his...
What is character?
When a website only tells one side of the story, that's an example of that website's...
What is bias?
If you are searching for an obediance class to train your dog, you might type words like "dogs" training" "classes" and "Aurora" into the Google box. These are examples of...
What are keywords?
You go to your favorite online encyclopedia one day to learn about George Washington, and the second sentence of the entry says he was born on Mars! What kind of website would allow this??
What is a wiki?
You post a picture of you and your new pet dog on Facebook and someone you don't like leaves the comment, "Which one is the dog?". This is behavior is an example of BAD what?
What is netiquette?
You are trying to find out what George Washington did before he became president. You type "George Washington" and "history" into Google. These words are examples of _____________.
What are keywords?
When you go to Delicious, Cool Math for Kids is written in light blue. You have to click on the light blue letters to go to the website because the light blue letters are a what?
What is a hyperlink?
You win a contest to follow your favorite band on tour for a year. The only thing you have to do is keep an online diary of your experiences so fans around the world can read about what it's like. What would this be an example of?
What is a blog?
This is the address you would type in to go to a website.
What is the URL?
You get an email telling you there were some very big charges on your credit card and that you must click on the link below to login to your account. What is this an example of?
What is phishing?
Google is an example of...
What is a search engine?
To have a really strong and hard to guess ____________, you should make sure it is a mixture of letters and numbers.
What is a password?
The first page of a website
What is a homepage?
You have to go up to the _________ and click on"file" then click on "save" to save your work.
What is the menu bar?
Many webpages connected together and about the same topic make up a __________.
What is a website?
Many ___________ make up a website.
What are webpages?
If a website is dedicated to how Golden Retrievers make the best pet, it probably has a _________ against other dogs.
What is a bias?
If you leave a comment on someone's post in all capital letters, it will look like you are yelling. A yelling comment is usually considered to be rude, and is an example of bad ___________________.
What is netiquette?
The __________ box is where you type in the website address.
What is the URL?
When someone tries to scam you and get your personal information, they are...
What is phishing?
Any website that allows the viewers to add, edit, or delete what is on it is called...
What is a wiki?
You would use one of these to look for something on the internet.
What is a search engine?
The way you react in a situation, and the way you treat people, are examples of your...
What is character?
To get your formatting palette you have to go to the ____________, click on view, and then click on formatting palette.
What is menu bar?