Is it safe to give out your personal information?
Should you go on a website without a parents permission?
No, it could be dangerous or inappropriate
Should you tell strangers your password?
Definition of cyber-bullying.
Being mean to people online.
Can you trust someone you've never met but have talked to online?
No. They are still a stranger and may not be who they say they are.
Give an example of some personal information you should never give out.
Your full name, address, phone number, passwords, where you go to school etc.
Who should you tell your password to?
A. friend you met online
c. school friends
B. Parents
True or false. It's okay to get revenge by harassing someone online
False. If you having a problem with a friend or classmate you should always talk with them in person.
What information is okay to give out online?
a. address
b. full name
c. favorite color
d. phone number
C. Favorite color
If someone you don't know online asks for your address, what should you do?
Tell a parent or get off the website
Which one is the best and safest password?
a. TwinkiesAreCool
b. AngelainAlbany
C. UB70ghY0//?,l.L
d. password
If you took an embarrassing photo of someone, is it okay to post it online?
What makes a password hard to guess?
Having numbers, letters, and symbols in the password?
If someone texts you and asks for your friends phone number, you should?
Not give it to them. Even if you know the person asking you need to get permission from the friend prior to giving out any personal information.
A pop-up comes on the screen, saying click her to win a new free Iphone X. What should you do?
Do not open the link. It could be a virus or looking for your personal information.
True or should you use the same password for everything.
False. They should all be very different. Not contain your name, birthday, or any personal information.
What should you do if someone is being mean to you online?
Tell a parent or trusted adult
Someone requests a photo of you, you should...
Not send the photo and tell your parents or a trusted adult
True or False. You should talk to or be friends on Instagram/SnapChat with people you don't know.
False! If you don't know them, they are not a family member or close friend, they could be a dangerous person.
What do you do if a parent says no to going on a website?
a. go on it anyway
b. go to a friends house and go on the website at their house
c. do not on the website.
C. Do not go on the website
True or False. It is okay to use your name in your password because it is easy to remember.
One of your friends posts something mean about another person. What should you do?
Answers will vary
What should you do before going on a website or downloading an app?
Ask your parent for permission