What does it mean if you are a victim of cyberbullying?
What is bullying that happens online or through using digital devices to harm, embarrass, and sometimes threaten the victims?
What does it mean to build a great password?
What is 8-16 characters long which include symbols, numbers and upper and lower case letters?
What is an upstander?
Who is a witness to bullying or harassment and tries to stop it or reports it?
What does it mean if someone says catfishing?
What is creating a fake identity or account on social networking sites to trick other people into sharing their personal information or to make them believe they are talking to a real person?
What is Oversharing?
What is sharing too much information online?
What is the worst password anyone could ever use?
What is "12345678" or the word "password?"
What are the 4 types of people that are involved when mean behavior happens?
Who is the bully, the target, the bystander, and the upstander?
When someone sends you an email, what are 3 ways you can tell it is a real email and not spam?
What is the company asks you to sign into your account rather than asking you to click on a link, the URL starts with https://, and there is a lock box in the website address?
What is all the information about you that appears online?
Should you share your password with anyone?
What is no?
What does a bystander do?
Who is someone that sits back and watches the bullying happen and does nothing to intervene?
When talking about chatbots, some people call them AI. What does that AI stand for?
What is artificial intelligence?
What is a firewall?
What are some ideas for a good password that would be hard for most people to guess?
What is a book title, a movie catchphrase, or a favorite song lyrics?
If you are too scared to take action publicly if you see someone being bullied, what else can you do?
What is report it privately, let the person know you are there for them, tell a trusted adult in private?
What does fraudulent mean?
What is tricking someone in order to get something valuable from them?
What does it mean when you have a compromised account?
What is an account that has been taken over by someone else and you no longer have control of it?
Who is a parent?
If someone said to you, "No offense but your handwriting is embarrassing so you should probably switch groups for this project." How could you word it to be nicer to this person?
What is I don't mind writing for this assignment, I love to write, do you mind?
What is a bot or a chatbot?
What is a piece of software that operates online or on a network to answer your questions, follow demands, or do simple tasks like playing music?