what is a way to remember your passwords.
you can write it on a piece of paper or a note book. save it in notes. You can keep it somewhere on your device.
If someone ask you to send them your address. Do yo
A: Send them
B:Tell an adult
C: Block them
B and C
what is a computer virus
it is something that takes over your computer
what is hacking
when you take over some ones account or computer and tries to ruin or steal it.
Who is considered the best basketball player
Michael Jordan
how do you keep your passwords safe
Not telling it to anyone but your family.
How is an online stranger able to communicate with you.
Talking on chat rooms and games. Calling you from an unknown number.
how can you get a computer virus
clicking on random links and downloading random things.
If you have been hacked what do you do?
Tell a trusted adult or the police.
What continent is Spain located in
should you use the same password for everything
Phone calls, texts and apps such as snapchat and whats app.
how do you get rid of a computer virus
Virus scans and bringing it to a computer specialist.
where can you get hacked from?
anywhere on the internet
What is the first planet from the sun?
how much characters should your password have to be strong
8 characters
What information do online strangers ask you?
Address, bank information, passwords and personal information.
What code does a virus use.
0 and 1
How do you defend against Hackers?
A:Update your security daily
B: Install VPN
C: Get resent security checks
D: All of the above
Whats the most popular sport in the world?
Soccer/ Football
what makes a strong password.
having 8 characters, 1 or mor numbers, a punctuation
What will some bad strangers ask in online games?
Criminals can potentially use the chat function to gather sensitive information such as your name, phone number, and house address.
What was the first virus.
The Brain virus.
Who is the most famous hacker
Kevin Mitnick
who is Joe Biden
The president of the USA