Pros of the Internet
Cons of the Internet
Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions

Can information be shared online, (Yes/No).

If yes, how can the information be shared safely?

1. No autosaving 

2. No sharing personal details 

3. No oversharing on Social Media 


What is the term used to refer the bullying online? 

Cyberbullying - willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of electronic communication (e.g. computers, cell phones, and other electronic device) to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.


What is the most used password in the universe?

Option 1 - Password

Option 2 - 1234

Options 3 - Saf@!?

Answer - Option 2: 1234


How many persons have not changed their passwords in the past 5 years?

Option 1 - 70%

Option 2 - Just me

Option 3 - 30%

Answer - Option 1: 70%


Can you purchase items on the internet? (Yes/No)

List the top two items that persons frequently purchase online?

1. Clothes Fashion is a huge industry, both online and in-store. ...

2. Electronics Technology can get expensive, and people are always on the lookout for the best deals when buying electronics. ...


Who are online trolls?

An online troll is someone who makes intentionally inflammatory, rude, or upsetting statements online to elicit strong emotional responses in people or to steer up trouble.


Is online gaming considered a safe option or not?

Online gaming can expose you to dangers such as cyber bullying, online harassment, and online predators. This is especially true if you play against people you’ve never met in person. While online gaming can provide quality social interaction, there are many concerns when it comes to playing video games online, especially for children. It is difficult to say whether online gaming is safe or not, but it is best to avoid free-to-play and other downloadable casual games.


Once I post something online and I delete it 5 to 10 seconds later it would be permanently deleted (True/False)

False - once something is posted on the internet it will always be there.


What can individuals do to keep their computer safe?

Option 1 - Do a picture backup. 

Option 2 - Keep your apps updated to the latest version.

Option 3 - Never change your password.

Answer - Option 2: Keep your apps updated to the latest version.


What is phishing?

Option 1 -An activity practices nearby a river

Option 2 - A fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information or data.

Option 3 - Unsolicited commercial message.

Answer - Option 2: A fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information or data.


If I talk to my friends online, is it considered a private conversation? (Yes/No)

Online, you really can’t be 100% sure of who you’re talking to, so you really shouldn’t accept friend requests from people you don’t know in real life. Online friends can end up accessing online photo albums, reading personal comments, copying and pasting information, knowing what you’re doing, where you are and who your friends and family are.


Is it easy to be involved in scheming on the internet (Yes/No)?

Scheming is defined as given to or involved in making secret and underhand plans.


Persons should mainly communicate with others on online (social media) and not in person (Yes/No)?

Absolutely not. Online communication and social media should be used as supplemental to one’s social life. It should not, however, be integral or the sole source where one socialises and interacts with others.


Can you become a victim of stalking online (Yes/No)

Answer - Yes, persons get to know a lot of information about you based off of your photos and personal information posted.


How many passwords were stolen in online in recent years:

Option 1 - 4

Option 2 - 4 million

Option 3 - 4 billion

Answer - Option 3: 4 billion


Do you know what 2FA means?

Option 1 - 2 Fantasy Application

Option 2 - 2 Factor Authentication

Option 3 - 2 Files in Archive

Answer - Option 2: 2 Factor Authentication
