Someone who tries to steal personal information or personal accounts?
A hacker
You should absolutely never do this with a stranger online.
Meet them
Cyberbullying can hurt and affect a person's self-esteem. True or False
What is copying and pasting someone else's work online and not giving them credit?
Plagiarism, this is stealing other people's work because you did not give them credit.
A trick
A scam
Do this so people do not know your password
Keep it private, do not share it.
You should never share this type of information with others online
Personal information
Cyber bullying is the most common type of bullying
Internet, video games, videos, and cell phones are examples of what?
What is digital media?
Hurting someone on the internet
Online account passwords should have a combination of these?
What are letters, numbers and symbols?
Elementary students can have social media accounts. True or False Why?
False, in the USA, you must be 13 to have a social media account.
Another name for a cyber bully
A troll
What should you do if you get information for your project from a website?
Put it in your bibliography (cite it)
A memorable sequence of numbers, letters, and characters used for privacy.
A password
What could be a problem with answering questions on a website or online games?
It could lead to you giving out information about yourself.
When you suspect suspicious activity online you should always do this
Report it
What should you do if you encounter a cyberbully?
Speak with a trusted adult
You can do this with the creator's permission
Use part of their work, and give them credit for their work.
When you put something on social media
A post
An attack that attempts to steal your money, or your identity, by getting you to reveal personal information on websites that appear legitimate
If someone online says something that makes you feel upset or uncomfortable, you should?
Tell a trusted adult
Someone who sees another person being bullied online, or in a text, and they report the person who was doing the bullying.
What is an up-stander?
You can erase everything you do online and no one will know? True or False
False, anything posted on the internet is never really deleted. Social media accounts keep a record of everything someone does.
A security system usually made up of hardware and software used to block hackers, viruses, and other malicious threats to your computer
A firewall