No, it is unsafe and could lead to someone tracking down where you live.
You see a mean post about a friend online and it makes you upset. You don't know the person who posted it very well but know they go to your school. What can you do?
You should tell a trusted adult at school what happened to see if they can assist with addressing it.
Someone messages you on social media who is using your best friends picture but you notice the name is off. You are not sure if this is your friend. Is it safe or unsafe to respond?
Unsafe-- someone may be pretending to be your friend to lower your guard.
True or False-- using your first name only on social media is unsafe.
False-- it can be unsafe to use your full name such as first and last, but first name could be okay to use.
Why is it important to stay safe online?
You may not know who is looking at your profiles, or you are interacting with. Someone could potentially try to find you.
Your friend suggests putting your profile on private mode. Why is this important?
1. Strangers do not have access to sensitive information.
2. You may not know who is accessing your profile.
3. You are protecting sensitive information.
Any others?
You see a mean post about a friend online and it makes you upset. You don't know the person who posted it very well but know they go to your school. What should you NOT do?
1. Confront the person directly online (this may make things worse)
2. Post something mean about that person who posted
3. Go into school and start spreading rumors about the person who posted
You are given permission to make a social media profile. You decide to only use your first name, make a picture of your favorite sport as your profile picture, and set your profile to private. Are you being safe or unsafe?
You are being safe! You have taken multiple steps to protect your privacy and stay safe online. Nice job!
True or False-- as long as you have your profile on private, you can post whatever personal information you want and still be safe.
FALSE-- just because your profile is private does not mean it is safe to post personal information that could lead others to find you.
Should you ever meet someone in person that you have only interacted with online?
No-- you don't always know who you are talking to.
What are two different pieces of information you should protect when online?
1. Full name
2. Birthdate
3. School information
4. Address
5. Friends sensitive information
6. SSN
7. Possibly where you work
What are some general rules to follow to stay safe on social media?
1. Make your profile private
2. Only friend people you know
3. Refrain from posting sensitive personal information (i.e. last name, school name, etc.)
4. Do not respond to messages of people you don't know
5. Don't post images of where you live or tag your location
You get a friend request from someone you don't know. You decide to ignore it and block this person instead. Are you being safe or unsafe?
Safe, you made sure you only added familiar people.
True or False-- It is safe for me to tag my location in vacation photographs ONLY IF I am no longer in that place (i.e. when returned home)
True-- you should not tag your location if you are still there (i.e. vacation) or if it is a location you often visit or is personal to you, such as your address, school, etc.
What are some situations you need to use internet safety skills?
1. When on social media
2. When engaging in online gaming
3. When using virtual reality
4. On our phone
5. Emails
Someone messaged you online and said they wanted to get to know you better. They asked about your school, your pets, and your parents names. What do you do?
Your parents don't want you to be on social media, so you made an account without them knowing. You don't understand why it is such a big deal and all your friends have one. Is this okay to do? Why or why not?
NO- you always need a parent's permission when accessing social media. Making an account without permission is dishonest and also could be dangerous.
You get a text message from an unknown number who says they're your friend Bob. You decide to hold off on answering until the next time you see Bob so you can check that he sent you the message. Are you being safe or unsafe?
Safe-- even if it is Bob, making sure first is important before responding.
True or False-- I should ask my friend before I post a picture of the two of us to make sure they give their approval.
True-- you should always ask others before posting something with them in it.
Is it safe or unsafe to play with other people online if we only are playing the game and don't interact with each other using chat features?
Safe-- you can play with others online or in games safely, you just should not add them as friends and try to strike up conversations about your personal life.
You realize that your friend posted both of your first and last names on Instagram and her profile isn't private. What do you do?
Ask her to delete the post and remind her that sharing personal information can be dangerous.
You post a picture of you and a friend that you love, but your friend gets upset. She doesn't like the picture and insists you take it down. You think you have the right to post whatever picture you want. Who is right in this scenario?
Your friend-- you should always get permission before posting a photograph of yourself and someone else.
You post a picture of yourself in your school basketball uniform as your profile picture. Your profile is private, but your team name and high school are visible on your uniform. Is this picture safe to use or potentially unsafe?
Potentially unsafe-- if someone wanted to find you, they could use your school information to possibly do so. This may not happen, but sometimes it is better to be safe.
True or False-- I should add as many friends as possible so I look more popular on social media-- even if I don't know them.
False-- only add people you know.
When using virtual reality, is it safe or unsafe to add people we don't know as friends and interact with them?