Name two examples of social media
Instagram, Facebook,TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter(X), WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Pintere'st, YouTube, and more
What is an example of spam/phishing eMail?
Purchases from BestBuy, Walmart, Netflix account
ID update/verification/missing information request
“You've won a lottery”
What online site is safe for kids under 13 years old?
YouTube Kids, PBS Kids, Prodigy, NASA Kids etc
What is social network?
Internet-based social media sites that help users stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, or customers.
What is phishing?
An attack where hackers act as trusted senders to fish(hook up) for information
True or False: trust websites starting with HTTP
False. Always ensure your url starts with HTTPS
Strong SNS account passwords include...
10 letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols, and includes no obvious personal information.
True or False: Never click any link in any emails.
True or False: Always trust public wi-fi connections
False: public Wi-Fi network can expose your computer to a virus due to its lack of security
What is one safe way to post pictures in my SNS?
Ask yourself that you are comfortable with your parents or future employers seeing this post?
Do not post pictures that contain personal information or whereabouts.
When posting pictures with others in them, ask them if it’s ok to post
What to do when you suspect phishing?
Call out/text to the someone that the hacker impersonates.
When you see "click to download" on the website, what do you do?
Do not download or install anything on your computer without your parents’ permission
Why set an account to private?
to protect personal information and not share it with strangers
How to detect phishing scams?
check a sender name/email account, check for typos, don't fall for urgency, hover but don't click, and so on
Why are time limits important for online games?
Online games can quickly develop addictions, as kids ignore important parts of their lives so they can keep playing.