What does the S in SMART stand for?
Safe (be safe online)
What does the M in SMART stand for?
Mindful (be mindful of what you put out and read online)
What does the A in SMART stand for?
Appropriate (be appropriate online)
What does the R in SMART stand for?
Respectful (be respectful of others)
What does the T in SMART stand for?
Tell someone if something is wrong
Should you ever meet up with someone you meet online?
True or false: Everything you read online is true.
What type of games are not allowed at BGC?
Games with violence, guns, or cussing.
Is any kind of bullying tolerated at BGC?
You come across a website and/or advertisement that makes you feel uncomfortable. What should you do?
Tell a trusted adult.
Personal information
True or false: You should think about what you are saying before you post online.
You are playing Minecraft and someone online begins saying inappropriate things. What should you do?
Tell an adult and get away from the inappropriate person.
Log out and do not mess with anything in their Minecraft world.
True or false: It is OK to complete an online form without asking a staff member first.
This type of personal information tells a person where you live.
Your address
True or false: If you delete a post from your social media, it is gone forever.
False! Once you post something online you can never get it 100% off
If you see something inappropriate online, what should you NOT do?
What is the consequence of online bullying at BGC?
You will not be allowed to use technology at BGC anymore.
You witness someone being bullied online, through their social media page. What should you do?
A number, you don't recognize, sends you a text saying they go to your school. What should you do?
Do not respond! You do not know who is on the other side of the phone.
How many hours on a computer, per day, is healthy for someone ages 6-18?
2 hours
What is the consequence if you are not being appropriate online?
What should you do if you come across an opinion online that differs from your own?
Learn more about the other person's perspective. Respect the other persons opinions.
A friend asks you to send them private information you're not comfortable sharing. What should you do?
Immediately tell a trusted adult, or say no.