Creating a false personality or account in order to get information.
What is one way to keep yourself from being a victim of fraud
Check bank accounts often or change passwords
What is a way to prevent catfishing
Only talk to people you know and don't give out personal information
Lying for financial gain
A type of software that tracks and logs anything that is typed on a keyboard
How do you prevent ransomware
Don't click on suspicious websites or links.
A type of software that collects information
Software that takes control of your computer from a distance
Remote Access Tools
How do you prevent spyware
Don't click pop up links or ads
Messages that are sent in large amounts
A trail of everything that relates to you on the internet
Digital footprint
What do you do to prevent spam
Add filters to email and report/block unwanted messages.
Malware that quickly spreads
Requests for personal information are a symptom of what
How do you prevent viruses
Do not download suspicious files