Internet Safety
Cyber Bullying
Physical Bullying
Cell Phone Use
Social Media Networks
Which screen name would keep Jason the safest from Internet predators? a) jasonjock b)47cresentdrive c) potatohead
C) Potatohead. the others tell something personal about Jason.
If a classmate has been bullying and threatening you online, the best thing for you to do is: a) Be absent several days from school. b) Ask him why he's so angry with you. Tell an adult if this doesn't work. c) Forward his messages to your friends so they can see what he is doing.
b) Ask him why he's so angry with you. Try to do it in person rather than onine. Tell an adult if this doesn't work.
Experts say that since the Internet has become so popular, it is now more difficult for a student being bullied at school to escape the bullying at home. What do they mean by this?
Students can easily continue the bullying online when the student is at home, or even using text messaging to a cell phone.
John sent Sam a text message. In the text, he threatened to beat him up after school. What should Sam do?
Save the text and show it to an adult
Josh makes fun of Sarah's clothes on her profile. He is surprised when she gets upset with him, figuring that since it was a comment made on the Internet it wasn't a big deal. What's wrong with this situation?
Sarah is correct in being upset. Making comments on the Internet is just as bad as making them in person.
Rate the following: John forwards an email that he had received from Jack to his buddy list without Jack's permission. a) Good b) Fair c) Poor
C) Poor. John does not show respect for Jack
Is staying home from school and off the Internet a good solution for a student who is being cyberbullied online?
Staying off the internet for a while is a good idea. Staying home from school is not, because the problem will still be there when returning to school. Tell an adult if necessary.
If laughing at others is mean and laughing with others is OK, what is the difference and does this go for Internet use as well?
Laughing at others is about hurting someone's feelings, and laughing with others is when you all agree that something is funny so that no one's feelings are hurt. If you think there's a chance that someone's feelings might be hurt by a comment, don't say it.
In a text, Jill made fun of Sal's artwork. Sal said, "Thanks for the compliment." Did Sal give a good answer?
Yes. This response is likely to put an end to the conversation. Sal ruined Jill's fun by not getting angry or upset.
A pop up screen from the web browser company said there was a problem and that Jason should confirm his screen name and password. Later that month, Jason's parents told him that $500 in purchases were charged to his account. What went wrong?
The pop-up was a fake. Never confirm your Screen Name and Password to anyone.
How can "profiles" get you in trouble?
Profiles give personal information about you that Internet predators could use.
A new student thinks that the best way to gain instant popularity is by developing a profile of herself, including lots of exaggerated information. Will this work? Why or why not?
No. this only opens the person up to bullying and cyberbullying. Once people find out that the information posted is false.
Which is more popular today....Physical Bullying or CyberBullying and why.
Cyberbullying because it is easier to say something mean to someone over the internet than to say it in person.
The use of words with all capital letters sent in a Text message means the sender is showing friendly feelings.
FALSE - It usually means the sender is mad or yelling
A person online says they are a 14-year-old girl. They could be a) a 14-year-old girl b) a 14-year-old boy c) a 41-year-old man d) any of the above
d) any of the above
Experts say that you shouldn't say anything online that you wouldn't say to his or her face. Why?
Anything that has been typed online can be forwarded and printed. In this case you have no control over who reads your message.
You realize you made a mistake by forwarding an insulting rumor about a classmate that someone sent to you online. What would you do differently if you receive an insulting rumor ?in the future?
It's important either to write, "I'm not interested. Don't send me this kind of information," or at least, not to respond.
True or False Physical Bullying goes away faster than CyberBullying
True. Physical bullying gets settled faster and is over. Cyberbullying usually continues longer.
NEVER drive, walk or ride and use your phone at the same time. True or False and Why
True. Our brains cannot handle doing more than one thing at a time and be alert at all times to our surroundings
What does this statement mean about using the Internet.... "Once you send it, you can't take it back?"
When you send information or a picture over the Internet, you can never get it back. Even if it is sent back to you, it is still on the other computer, and it can be emailed to others or even posted on a website for millions of people to see!
What should you do if you gave out your password, but now you think that you made a mistake giving it out?
The best thing is to change your password immediately.
If a classmate is spreading nasty rumors about your friend in a chat room or online, what do you do?
You either tell him to stop or just exit or logoff. You should also make sure that your friend knows that he is a topic of discussion in the chat room.
Describe what this statment means to you. "Sometimes teens deserve to be hurt or picked on."
Nobody deserves to be hurt or picked on at anytime.
Is it ok to use your phone in public areas?
If it must be on and it could bother others, use the silent ring mode and move away to talk. Never talk about personal situations on the phone in a public area.
Having your Social Network site set to private, guarantees that anything you post can only be seen by those on your allowed list. True or False
False....even though you mark yourself private, information you post may be seen by others when your friends comment on your posting.