Osama Bin Laden or the Unabomber is an example of this
What is a Terrorist
This is the French word for "French"
What is Français
The sum of all values in a dataset divided by the number of values in said dataset is known as this type of average
What is mean?
This Norse god is part of the Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Who is Thor?
When you drop the "at" from this word, you get the word "be"
What is Beat?
This joint connects your hand to your arm
What is Wrist?
The French Language is a part of this language group, all stemming from Latin origins
What are the Romance Languages
If you were to arrange a set of values in order from lowest to highest, this average would the medium or average of the middle values
What is median?
This Roman god was known as the King of the Seas. A planet was named after him!
Who is Neptune?
When you drop the "at" from this word, you get the name of a famous Brazilian city
What is Ratio?
Synonyms for this word include Jail or Incarceration
What is Prison
This French noun means: the unlawful seizure and removal of a government and its powers
What is coup d'état?
The most common value in a dataset is known as this type of average
What is mode?
This Greek god of blacksmiths was thrown off Mount Olympus by his mother for being ugly
Who is Hephaestus?
When you drop the "at" from this word, you get a term synonymous with "automobile" or "vehicle"
What is Carat?
He played Patrick Bateman in American Psycho and Bruce Wayne in the Dark Knight series
Who is Christian Bale?
This is the name for the past tense in French, used to express an action that has been finished
What is passé composé?
In statistics, a data point in a set of results that differs significantly from other observations is known was this
What is an outlier
In Egyptian mythology, this god created the world and is the god of the sun
Who is Ra?
When you drop the "at" from this word, you get the name for the removable protective rubber rings you put around wheels
What is Attire?
In the study of optics, this term refers to transparent optical components with flat surfaces that refract light
What is a Prism
In English, you might call a close male associate of yours the slang term "bro" or "homie". In France, they use this term
What is mec?
The range between the first quartile of a dataset and the third quartile is known as this
What is an inter-quartile range
This Chinese goddess of the moon is often pictured with a rabbit and associated with Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations
Who is Chang'e?
When you drop the "at" from this word, you get the name of a famous tribe of Canadian Indigenous peoples, they form one of the country's largest First Nations
What is Create?