A positive acronym people say at the start of a 1 VS 1 game to each other that means Good Luck, Have Fun
What is GLHF?
This is the primary objective of a troll
What is inciting rage?
A type of video which spreads extremely quickly, and is generally the source of a meme.
What is a Viral Video?
A type of video where someone strings together segments of a pre-existing video/cutscene/tv show to make amusing scenes/songs.
What is a YTP/YTPMV?
Someone who tries to incite rage in others for their own amusement.
What is a Troll?
A term used to refer to gamer whom is peeved or annoyed. Can also be used in other situations.
What is salty?
A troll will find a way to remain as such.
What is Anonymous?
A generally inappropriate website that is generally seen as one of the sources of memes.
What is 4chan?
A type of video where someone adds voice acting to a comic, either a fancomic by someone, or an official comic.
What is a Comic Dub?
A type of person who creates a relationship, generally romantic, between two characters that may not have initially happened in the original media where they were from.
What is a shipper?
A term referring to a cheat that will make it so that the player can never miss a shot.
What is Aimbot?
The original term that was used for internet trolling.
What is Flaming?
A meme in which a song from a video game is remixed in a way which introduces memes into the original track.
What is a High Quality Rip?
This is a type of video where someone takes video of day/events of their life, as well as events in it, before putting it on the internet.
What is a Vlog?
A person that posts memes, no matter what site they are on, and almost all of their posts are memes.
What is a Memelord?
A negative term referring to a player that refers to a person that tends to play a game on easy mode, or less difficult games.
What is a Filthy Casual?
A consequence of a troll where the comments section devolves into an endless mess.
What is a Flame War?
A type of meme in which someone anthropomorphises an everyday object, typically into the form of a female.
What is a -chan meme?
A type of video where a person records themselves playing a game, as well as their reactions, either with voice only, or voice and facial expressions, for the entertainment of others.
What is a Let's Play.
A person on the internet whom creates a false profile of themselves, generally on dating sites, to trick someone for their own pleasure.
What is a Catfisher.
A term referring to the process heavily looked down upon by many gamers, in which a company inserts a system in which people pay with real money for a benefit over other players.
What is a Microtransaction.
What website do trolls frequent the most to start flame wars?
What is Tumblr?
A type of meme relating to video game montages, in which the screen shakes, Snoop Dogg plays, there are rapidly flashing colors, and memes cover the screen.
What is MLG?
A type of recording in which you watch the person live, while they make their content, generally in the form of playing a game.
What is a Livestream?
The type of person who plays games live for others, on sites like Twitch.tv.