Why are stereotypes important?
What are the functions of non-verbal behavior?
What is self-disclosure?
Personal information that is disclosed to someone that they would never have known otherwise· Personal information that is disclosed to someone that they would never have known otherwise
When do people process information in a controlled (rule based) fashion? Be sure to specify what conditions are needed.
Happens when we are motivated to make accurate predictions and have available time to do so.
What are the gender differences in self-disclosure?
Women disclose more especially to their friends of the same gender than men do
How does person perception differ from perceptions of the physical environment?
Person perception is reciprocal, we are aware of the reciprocal nature. Our perceptions of others are influenced by our perceptions of ourselves. Attributes of people are more difficult to determine, ambiguous and less stable. People can (and sometimes do) engage in deliberate deception
What is the effect of eye contact on physical distance?
Can Insinuate flirting and increase liking
Why do people self-disclose?
People self-disclose to express themselves, to clarify themselves, to receive social validation, or control and to develop their relationship further.
Describe the visual dominance ratio for high and low power individuals
People with high status tend to use a higher visual dominance ratio than people with low status. High visual dominance ratio indicates a person thought of dominance over the other person, so people with high dominance ratio tend to have high status.
What is the Johari window?
This is a grid that allows us to better understand an individual. Each window represents a specific aspect of the individual such as open, hidden, blind, and unknown
Dual-process theories posit that there are two ways of processing information. What are they? Describe their features.
Describe differences between verbal and non-verbal behavior.
When does self-disclosure peak in a relationship and why?
The highest level of self-disclosure is during the initial relationship because as the relationship progresses for a duration of time, there is less and less that someone has left to disclose
What is the primacy effect?
The tendency to remember the first piece of information we encounter better than information presented later
How might Johari window be useful?
The Johari window can be helpful because it helps us comprehend our relationship to others based off what we tell other people, what they know, and what we hide from the person
What two principles determine whether we use our stored knowledge (schemas) when we meet someone new?
Social cognition (knowledge of social environment) and person perceptions
Describe differences in non-verbal behavior as a function of status
Direct eye contact (a form of nonverbal behavior), with a slight head tilt promotes compliance, glancing at somebody will increase a compliance (behaving in ways that you asked them to).
What are potential risks of self-disclosure
Being invalidated or mocked from our disclosure are risks
Is there any truth to the “what is beautiful is good” stereotype?
Meta-analyses show that attractive people report more:
What is interpersonal space? Why is it important?
Interpersonal space is the distance we set between us and others. Interpersonal space is important because it serves as a nonverbal cue with how we feel about the other person. The closer = more intimate
If the fundamental attribution error suggests that we attribute others’ failures to dispositional factors and our own failures to external factors, how is this similar or different in satisfying and dissatisfying romantic relationships?
It would be similar because in a satisfying relationship an individual who contribute the success to dispositional factors. In a dissatisfying relationship the same individual may blame issues on external factors.
Does verbal communication differ between men & women?
Verbal communication differs between men and women. Women are more likely to talk about family, relationship problems, reproductive matters, health, clothing, weight, food, and men, whereas men talk more about sports, activities, and hobbies.
What is the effect of interruptions in a relationship on self-disclosure?
Self-disclosure changes in terms of frequency and amount when there is an interruption. During the interruption, self-disclosure will be a low level, but before AND after the interruption, self-disclosure increases again.
Define positive illusions
Positive illusions are a form of self-deception or self-enhancement that feel good; maintain self-esteem; or avoid discomfort, at least in the short term.
What are relationship schemas?