The unselfish regard for the welfare of others.
What is altruism.
The theory is that we explain someone's behavior by crediting either the person's disposition or the situation.
What is the attribution theory
What is the impact of proximity for those we like versus those we dislike?
The people who, by chance, you see and interact with the most often are the most likely to become your friends and lovers.
This tends to lead us to like those in proximity unless: we have been exposed too much or had a negative first interaction with the person we are exposed to.
Why are average faces considered attractive?
Average faces were consistent with being rated more attractive because attractive faces have features that represent the average population
What are the 4 Horseman?
4 Horseman: Negative Communication or Behavioral Patterns that lead to end of relationships; these escalate conflict and damage a relationship.
What 3 components made up Sternberg's theory of love.
Intimacy, passion and commitment
What is the difference between a cross-sectional and a longitudinal design?
A cross-sectional uses different samples from a singular point in time, whereas longitudinal designs use the same sample over several points in time
In Milgram's study, a full _________% went all the way to shocking someone (or so they thought) to 450 volts.
What is 65%
What facial features in men and women are considered attractive & why?
Men: large chin (indicates sexual maturity) & larger eyes (baby face feature, indicates kindness)
Women: small nose and chin, narrow cheeks, high eyebrows; extent of neotenous or maturity that the face displays (indicates reproductive age)
What is the principle of reciprocity?
Reciprocity refers to liking those who like us. Gold, Ryckman & Mosley (1984) found that men greatly liked a woman who nonverbally displayed liking, even though she disagreed with them on important issues
Sam dyed her hair red because all of her friends dyed their hair red. Sam is experiencing what social behavior.
What is conformity.
In general, what face is the most attractive?
What are average faces
The effect of when a person is less likely to help someone when other people are present.
What is the bystander effect?
What is the waist to hip ratio? How does it differ between men and women?
What is the greatest predictor of relationship failures?
What is contempt
Two co-workers who have been working together for several months began dating. This is an example of what effect?
What is normative social influence
The theory that our behavior is an exchange of benefits and costs.
What is the social exchange theory
What are the two theories of altruism?
What is kin selection and empathy-altruism
Describe the “what is beautiful is good” stereotype and specify why it might be important
We assume that attractive people also possess other good attribute/traits, but it is not always the case.
He created an experiment to determine how willing people are to follow an authority figure.
Who is Stanley Milgram
What is the matching hypothesis?
The matching hypothesis suggests that there is a significant correlation between attractiveness levels of romantic partners, people of similar attractiveness levels end up together
Altruistic behavior that occurs because we expect to be "paid back" in the future
We are less likely to help because we believe others share responsibility and they will help. This is called
What is diffusion of responsibility
Why might it be problematic for researchers to focus on extremes of attractiveness?