Who you think you are.
What is self-concept?
What we see/learn first is weighted more heavily and salient than what comes later
What is the Primacy Effect?
a struggle over incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from others
What is interpersonal conflict?
Intercultural communication is __________.
What is communication between persons of different cultures
Meanings are communicated __________ and __________.
What is verbal and nonverbal
Your perception and expectations of your ability
What is Self-Efficacy?
Tuning into evidence that supports preconceived notions while ignoring evidence that is contrary.
What is confirmation bias
What we would like our relationships to be like
What is relational goals?
Culture shock refers to __________.
What is a psychological reaction to being in a very different culture
The hesitancy or discomfort surrounding our communication events
What is Communication Apprehension (CA)?
What is instilled in us at a young age and influences our communication in adulthood.
What are identity scripts?
Attribute others' behavior to internal, rather than external, factors.
What is Fundamental attribution error
The image we would like to present to the world.
What is Identity goals?
When you assume that all persons covered by the same label are the same, you __________.
What is stereotyping
Language shifts depending on who we are communicating with.
What is code switching?
The bond we form with our caretaker
What is attachment theory?
Attribution process that we engage in to portray ourselves in the most desirable light
What is Self-serving bias
Win-Win, Win-Lose, Lose-Lose
What is Conflict Outcome?
Acting/thinking that your culture is the dominate or better culture__________.
What is ethnocentrism?
Miscommunication occurs when individuals assign different meanings to the same symbol
What is Meanings are in People/Language creates meaning.
Catching feelings from people around us
What is emotional contagion?
A continuous interaction of the three stages: selection, organization, interpretation
What is Perception Process?
High concern for your own needs, while honoring the needs of others
What is Integrating style of conflict management.
Giving and receiving verbal information in concrete and direct terms.
What a low context culture?
Accepting ownership of our emotions and perspectives while avoiding blame
What is "I" and "You" statements?