Know your skills
What skill do I use?
Team Roleplay
Create your own
When & why

What do the letters represent in FAST? 

Fair, (no) Apologies, Stick to your Values, Truthful


You recently got into an argument with your sibling about them using your stuff without asking. Your tired of them crossing your boundaries and you want to talk to them about why this is not okay. What skill would you use? 

Use the FAST skill


You are in a heated discussion with your coworker who thinks you are doing your job wrong. You want to respond thoughtfully, keeping in mind the potential consequences of your words. How would you engage in this discussion using the THINK skill? 

Fun Fact- Froot Loops are all the same flavor despite their different colors.


Give an I statement about how you feel right now and why

Fun Fact- Deaf people are known to use sign language in their sleep 


What is the purpose of the GIVE skill? 

Help maintain a healthy relationships


What do the letters represent in DEARMAN? 

Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear Confident, Negotiate


You recently got grounded, however, it is your best friends birthday on Friday and your hope your parents will let you at least stop by and bring them a gift. What skill would you use? 

Use the DEARMAN skill


You are having a conversation with a friend who has been feeling down lately. You want to offer support without sounding dismissive or invalidating their feelings. How would you respond using the Give skill? 

Fun Fact - Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins.


What is a personal scenario in your life that would cause you to use the DEARMAN skill?

Fun Fact- A chicken once lived for 18 months without a head. 

What is the purpose of the DEARMAN skill? 

Helping you to ask for something or get something you want


What do the letters represent in GIVE? 

Gentle, Interested, Validate, Easy Manner


In a conversation where you are expressing a time when someone hurt your feelings, what key communication skill is needed? 

Use I statements


You are in a situation where a friend is pressuring you to do something you're not comfortable with, and you need to assert yourself while maintaining your self-respect. How would you respond using the FAST skill?

Fun Fact- Dogs have a unique "nose print" that is like a human fingerprint


What is a personal scenario in your life that would cause you to use the GIVE Skill ?

Fun Fact- Giraffes are about 30 times more likely to get hit by lightning than people 


What is the purpose of the FAST skill? 

Help you to maintain self-respect and boundaries in your relationships


What common communication tip is helpful to integrate into any conversations where you are sharing feelings?

Using I statements (I feel like...) 


You and your partner hit a rough patch. You plan to meet up with them on Friday to talk things through. What would be the best skill to use? 

Use the GIVE skill


You need to ask your classmate to help you meet a deadline by contributing to group project. You're feeling frustrated and they have not been pulling their weight. How would you respond using DEARMAN?

Fun Fact- Switzerland prohibits the ownership of just one guinea pig.


What is a personal scenario in your life that would cause you to use the THINK skills? 

Fun Fact- Platypuses sweat milk 


What is the purpose of the THINK skill? 

Think helps us to deal with conflict using empathy and mindfulness


What do the letters represent in THINK? 

Think, Have Empathy, Interpretations, Notice, Kindness


Your parent(s) believe that after treatment you may need to change schools rather than going back to the school you were attending before. You are having a hard time understanding why and this is causing lets of conflict. What skill would be helpful here? 

Use the THINK skill


You are feeling frustrated because a friend keeps canceling plans, and you need to express how this is affecting you while maintaining the relationship. How can you use an I statement in this situation? 

Fun Fact- Mickey and Minnie Mouse’s voices got married in real life.


What is a personal scenario in your life that would cause you to use the FAST skill?

Fun Fact- The longest someone has ever held their breath underwater is 24 mins and 30 seconds 


Why are I statement helpful? 

They help the other person know what we are feeling and help us take responsibility for our own feelings.
