What is the first step in Adding Fractions with different denominators?
Find Common Denominator
What is the common denominator for
1 5/6 - 5/7
If there is mixed numbers when multiplying and dividing fractions, what do you have to turn them into?
Improper Fractions
What is the common denominator for
2/6 + 3/7
What is the first step when subtracting fractions with different denominators?
Common Denominator
How do you multiply fractions?
Just multiply across both the numerators and denominators.
What is the least common denominator for
1 3/5 + 3 7/10
What is the common denominator for
1 5/6 - 5/12
3 3/4 x 5
72/4 or 18
What is the least common denominator for
25 3/12 + 256 5/24
When borrowing, how do you know how much to borrow?
You need to look to see how many slices there are from the one pizza you borrowed. It changes each time.
What do I have to do when dividing fractions?
Keep Change flip
What is the common denominator for
3 5/9 + 6 5/36
What might you have to do when subtracting fractions that you do not have to do when adding fractions?
3 3/4 divided by 5