Cover Letter
Interview Questions
Miscellaneous Questions
Before and After interview

You should end your cover letter with this 

What is... your name and regards 


Omit your GPA in your resume when it is below this number 

What is...3.0 


Why do you want the job?

What is.. This job aligns with my passions and goals that I have set and would like to pursue in my future. I have researched your company and I am impressed by your dedication to your craft and I believe that my skills and experience would be a good fit and I am eager to contribute to the success of this company.  


What time should you show up to your interview if it is at 10:45?

What is.. 10:30 or 10:35


True or False:You should prepare questions to ask the interviewer

What is...Yes


Cover letters explain how your _______ relate to the job you want and how it will help you help your employer 

What is... experiences/skills


The first thing you should put on your resume?

What is... name,address,and phone number 


Can you describe a time at work that you had to turn a negative situation to a positive?

Ex.Miscommunication error,Missed deadline,Employee shortage,Employer/employee conflict.

What is...Reevaluate the situation and come up with a better way/new way to execute a new plan 


What should you do after your interview is over?

What is..follow up with gratitude,thank you note, email.


What should you do before interviewing with a company?

What is.... Research the company and Review the job description


This should be left out of your cover letter 

What is...negative comments about past employers,Anything that isn't true,Grammar mistakes 


The primary point of a resume?

What is... to show a potential employer who you are 


How do you handle pressure and tight deadlines?

What is.. I thrive in stressful situations I prioritize tasks,use open communication,rely on team mates,create a detailed plan of how I will get the job done in time.


True or False: You should ask questions during the interview? 

What is...True 


What are 3 things you should practice before the interview?

What is....Body language,Speech,Responses


What should be included in the first paragraph?

What is... position you are applying for,How you heard about the job,how the job aligns with your career goals,training and education


This information should never be included in your resume 

What is...information regarding your family or personal life


How do you handle constructive criticism? 

What is.. I use/see criticism as a way to improve myself I dont see it as me failing. I use it to motivate myself to try and do better.


What should you do at the beginning of your interview?

What is..Greet the interviewer. Introduce yourself, provide eye contact, firm hand shake.


True or False: You can ask for feedback about the interview?

What is...TRUE

But not right after, you can follow up and ask or feedback.


Give an example of an entire heading.

What is Ex.(Preiast C. Moss, 312 Virginia Beach Private landing Drive 32405, Cedar Rapids, IA, 319-867-5309,, February 20th 2023)

(Name,Address,Phone number, Email,Date)


This does not belong on a resume 

What is...prefered working conditions 


Describe a time you had to learn something out of your comfort zone and how did you handle it?

What is... I dedicated extra time to learning and practicing the new skill. I also seeked help from other employees. After feeling comfortable with my skills I applied them to the job.


What should you bring at least two of to your interview?

What is...Resume & Cover Letter


Should you follow up if you haven't heard back within a week?

What is...yes 
