Preparing for an interview
During an interview
After an interview
Interview questions

What are interview appropriate clothes?

Professional attire: knee-length skirt, dress pants, button up, shirts, blouses, clean shoes


What should you take with you to an interview 

A copy of your resume

A copy of your cover letter 

A notebook and pen 

A positive attitude 


What should you do following an interview with a potential employer? 

Send a thank you note or an email within 24 hours of the interview.


If an employer asked why they should hire you, what important information should you include in your response?

Your skills and what you will bring to the company 


What can you do to make sure you are prepared to interview?

Research the company, identify strengths or aspects of the company that interest you so you can discuss them during the interview 


How should you wear your hair? 

Is facial hair allowed? 

Clean and combed 

Facial hair depends on the job you are applying for


How should you greet the interviewer?

A smile

Eye contact 

A firm handshake

What should you include in a thank you note to a potential employer? 

Gratitude for the interviewer's time

The interviewer's name

Why you are qualified for the position 

Your interest in the position


If an employer asks you to tell them about yourself, what should you include?

Information regarding previous employment 

What made you interested in applying for the position you are interviewing for 

Educational background 

Goals and aspirations related to the position 


Should you be prepared to ask the interviewer questions? If so, why?

Yes, it shows you are engaged in the interview 

You have the opportunity to interview the potential employer to see if they are a good fit for you


When should you arrive for an interview? 

15 minutes before 


What should you do not do while waiting in a waiting room for an interview?

Use you cell phone 

Chew gum

Talk on the phone 


What should you do at the end of an interview before you leave the room?

Stand and the thank the interviewer by shaking their hand 


If an employer asks about your weaknesses, how should you respond?

Identify your weaknesses and explain how you are working to improve them


What are 3 questions you could ask an employer?

Specific job requirements


If there are opportunities to grow 

What you can expect on day to day basis 

What their favorite thing about the company is


When does an interview begin?

The second you walk through the door


What should you do if you don't understand what the interviewer is asking you?

Stay calm,

Ask them to clarify the question

Ask questions to be sure you understand 

If you do not know the answer, be honest and express willingness to learn


What can you do if it has been 1 week or more and you still have not heard from the interviewer?

Call or send an email


How should you answer this question: 

Do you prefer working independent or on a team?

Do research on the company to ensure your answer fits what you and the employer are looking for 

If you are offered a job and decide that it is not a good fit for you, what should you say?

Let the employer know you appreciate their time but you have decided to purse other opportunities 


What else should you do to improve your appearance? 

Iron/steam clothes

Wear minimal to no cologne or perfume

Brush teeth


Name 3 questions you should be prepared to answer during an interview.

1.) Tell me about yourself.

2.) Why do you want this position/why do you want to work for this company?

3.) Tell me about a stressful situation you have experienced at your previous job and how you managed it.


Besides the potential employer, who should you contact after an interview and why (if you have not done so already)?

Your references to inform them that they may be getting a call from the employer


If you were asked to tell about a stressful situation you have experienced in the past and how you managed it, how should you respond?

Be honest about a situation that has occurred and if you did not handle it how you wished, say what you would do if the situation would occur again


What's an example of an illegal interview question?

What is your age

Where you were born 

If you have a disability 

What is your gender 

What is your sexual orientation 

What is your marital status 

Are you pregnant 
