Tell me about yourself?
Briefly summarize the past few yrs in2-3 themes related to the role and organization. Provide context around your work, like how much time went into a project or the level of autonomy and responsibillity you had.
What is your greatest weakness?
There may be a certain technology that they use that you havent. demonstrate a situation in which you previously had to learn a new technology quickly to complete a project.
do you have any questions for me?
This is to gauge if you have done your research about the organization and to assess your listening skills within the interview.
Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job?
Talk about having fun while accomplishing something on the job.
This is the time you should arrive for your interview.
What is 15 minutes before the interview?
Be honest about future goals, but be vague enough so as not to imply you're already planning to exit. Its also okay to say that youre not quite sure what the future holds, but that you see this experience playing an important role in helping you make that decision.
Tell me about a conflict you had with a supervisor?
Be honest provide some detail and context, but focus primarily on the resolution and lessons learned rather than belaboring the conflict itself.
Tell me about yourself?
It gives you a chance to ease into the interviewand provide context to the experiences outlined in your resume.
How do you handle conflict at work?
Employers ask this question to gauge your communication skills, problem-solving skills and how well you deal with stress. A good answer will illustrate a time when you confronted an obstacle, remained calm and worked toward a productive solution. (Think STAR Method!)
What is tell me about yourself?
This is the most-often-asked interview question. You need to have a short statement prepared in your mind. Keep your response to two minutes or less. Be careful your statement doesn’t sound rehearsed. Limit it to work-related items. Talk about things you have done and jobs you have held related to the position you are interviewing. Start with the item farthest back and work up to the present.
Do you have any questions for me?
ASk questions to which you genuinely want an answer. Use your questions to convey your enthusiasm for the job. Ask for your interviewers business card/ contact information.Ask what the next step in the hiring process is and the expected recruitment timeline.
Why do you wan to work for this company?
Share what you learned about the company when you researched it. Note admiration for the companies growth or your desire to support it's mission.
What is your greatest weakness?
No candidate is perfect but interviewers want employees who can honestly assess what they still need to learn and can demonstrate a plan to learn it.
Do you have any questions for us?
Great example questions are:
1. Tell me about an average day in the position.
2. What are the hours?
3. What are you looking for in a candidate?
What is more important to you? The money or the work?
Money is always important, but the work is the most important. There is no better answer.
Tell me about your hobbies and interests/whats not on your resume?
Strike a balance between personal interests and professional context. Share hobbies from which you derive joy and satisfaction, that complement your career intersts or that broaden your perspective/outlook.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Think of 3-4 key points you want to get across about yourself during your interview. Use this question to share any key points that havent already been discussed about you or to recap your interest in this job and your qualifications for this role.
Why did you change career paths?
The interviewer just wants to know you can connect what youve done in the past with what you want to be doing in the future.
Name items you should bring to an interview.
What is (your resume, a notepad and pen, purse or briefcase).
What motivates you most in a job?
The interviewer is not looking for a long or flowery dissertation here. Keep it short and positive, showing a benefit to the organization.
What are your greatest strengths?
Reflect on what you have been recognized for by supervisors or peers. provide examples: If you say u have strong time mgt skills, highlight how you plan out your day, week, or month.
What are your salary requirements?
Prior to your interview check to triangulate a salary range. provide that range based on the value you'll add to the organization with the experience, education and skills you bring to the organization.
What other organizations are you interviewing with?
In corporate environments especially, it is not uncommon for interviewers to want to gauge the competition or be on par with other agencies timelines.
Name a step in the STAR method.
What is (Situation, Task, Action, Result)?
Name something you should do before your interview.
What is (research the company, know how to get to your interview, take a shower, brush your teeth, wear a nice outfit)?