Wills Definitions
Attested Wills

What are advancements, how do you prove them, and what is their value?

An heir apparent receives a share of the estate before the intestacy's death

Two ways to prove: contemporaneous writing of advancer or written acknowledgment by the receiver at any time

The value of an advancement is determined on the date of advancement


What is a devise?

gift of real property


What are the requirements of a valid will?

Legal capacity

Testamentary capacity

Testamentary intent



What are the requirements of a valid attested will?

in writing

signed by T

attested by at least 2 witnesses over 14


what is ademption, the general rule, and its exceptions?

the gift fails because it is no longer in the estate

general rule: beneficiary gets nothing

exceptions: voluntary partition among co-owners or a partial sale 


Disclaimers and the four requirements

Disclaimers are where you do not want your inheritance 

Requirements: in writing, describe the property being disclaimed, signed, and delivered to personal representative if the estate is open or filed in the county where decedent owned real property


What is a bequest?

gift of personal property


What is legal capacity


Is or has been married

current member of the military


What are the two ways T can sign their will by proxy?

estates code: by T's direction and in T's presence 

notary: must be in the presence of a witness and is only allowed if T is physically unable to sign (shrimp)

what is satisfaction and how do we prove it?

the beneficiary receives the gift while T was alive

before 09-01-03: you can use extrinsic evidence to prove satisfaction

after 09-01-03: you need (1) an express statement in the will, (2) T's contemporaneous writing, or (3) beneficiary's written acknowledgment at any time


What is an assignment?

Immediately upon death, an heir may assign their interest to anyone before the interest is actually distributed because of immediate vesting 


What is a legacy? 

Gift of money


What are the elements of testamentary capacity?

understand what you're doing

comprehend the effect of what you're doing

know the general nature and extent of your property

know the natural objects of your bounty

achieve all of it simultaneously 


What is conscious presence?

T can see the witness from their actual position or at most, from a slightly altered position where T has the power to move without assistance 


what is exoneration and when to we presume exoneration?

it is when a gift is subject to a debt or lien and exoneration happens when the debt is paid off and the beneficiary receives their gift debt-free

before 09-01-05: presume exoneration

after 09-01-05: presume equity 


What is equitable conversion

Once a contract for real property is signed, equitable conversion occurs during escrow where the seller's interest is now in personal property (money) and the buyer's interest is now in real property


What is a beneficiary?

any recipient of any type of property


Requirements of a holographic will and the three ways to define "wholly"

in T's handwriting and signed by T

intent view: if T intends for any nonholographic material to be included, the will is void

surplusage: if the will means the same without the nonholographic material, it's valid (TX)

material provisions: if the material provisions are in T's handwriting, it's valid


What happens if a witness is also a beneficiary and what are the exceptions to the general rule?

general rule: the gift fails, but the will is still valid

exceptions: their gift is less than that of what they would receive through intestacy, they are a supernumerary witness, or their testimony is corroborated by a credible and disinterested person 


what is abatement and what is the abatement order?

where T dies without enough property to pay the estate's debts and gifts

intestate property, if any

residuary gifts (personal, then real)

general gifts (personal, then real)

specific gifts (personal, then real)


TX savings statute: what wills are saved and what are the requirements?

Only foreign wills because TX does not allow harmless error or substantial compliance

A will is valid in TX if it meets the requirements in the jurisdiction in which (1) T executed the will, (2) T was domiciled, or (3) T had a residence


What is a codicil?

an amendment to an existing will


What are the different types of testamentary gifts?

Specific: ascertainable at the time of will execution

Specific of a general nature: not ascertainable until death

General: not sufficiently described to be specific

Demonstrative: gift of money from a specific account

Residuary: forgotten items or the main gift


What are the two methods for executing a self-proving affidavit?

2-step with double signatures: SPA is a separate document from the will and both are signed by T and witnesses

1-step with single signatures: SPA language is at the end of the will and before signature line


what is tax apportionment?

where each beneficiary pays the tax caused by their individual gift
