Who is the protagonist?
Who is Icarus/Daedalus
Where Daedalus is imprisoned?
What is The Tower
What is Pride/ Ambition
What literary device is in Scene 1?
What is Flash-Forward
Daedalus's son was not able to fly, and Athena tells Daedalus that he will see his son again in the afterlife.
Who is the antagonist in the drama?
Who is Minos?
Symbolize the power of human creativity and innovation
The Wings
What is Very thin
What literary device is in Scene 2?
What is Flashback
What is the climax
Icarus flies too close to the sun, melting the wax on his wings.
Who is the Greek inventor?
Who is Daedalous?
As seen in Icarus's desire to fly too high and too close to the sun, ultimately leading to his downfal
What is Hubris/ The Fall
What is Careful/Secretive
What is Metaphor
What is the Rising Action?
She tells him that only the gods can fly, and that he should have known better.
Daedalus warns Icarus to not go too high towards the sun, or else the wax holding the feathers would melt and Icarus would fall to his doom.
Who is the Goddess of war and wisdom?
Who is Athena?
A symbol of danger and the potential for self-destruction when pursued without caution.
Flying too close to the sun
What is Large/Heavy, strong
Icarus takes a small mechanical bird from his pocket. He pulls the tail and the wings flap
What is Foreshadow
What is the setting?
Greece, Minos Castle, Prison Tower
Who is the half-man half-bull?
What is Minatour
Who is Daedalous and Icarus
What is Complicated/Difficult to understand, detailed
Minos' decision to keep the bull out of his own selfish nature began the torturous path for his queen Pasiphae and her ill-fated child.
What is the Falling Action?
Daedalus reaches a new land where he builds a temple to the gods and offers his wings as a tribute. Daedalus mourns the death of his son and vows never to use the wings again.