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What is the name of the main/game field?
What is Compeition Field
True or False: Food and drinks are allowed in the gym?
What is False, with the exception of water.
How many players on each team? How many players can you start with?
What is 5, and can play with 3
On what day of the week and by what time should you submit your payroll?
What is Sunday nights by 10pm. Always think of it this way, you always have to submit payroll the Sunday after you get paid! So yes, that means next Sunday Super Bowl Sunday!!!!
How many minutes should you arrive early to work?
What is at least 5minutes.
What do you do if there are intramural games and the lights are not on, but need to be?
What is have a supervisor call Jen first, then Linda Gundrum
What type of shoes must be worn on our gym floor.
What is non marking sneakers.
How long are the games?
What is two 20min halves, with a 3min halftime.
You will receive how many whistles per year? How much do you have to pay if you want a new whistle?
What is 1 whistle per year and $2
Name at least two responsibilities of a scorekeeper?
What is 1. signing in players, checking eligibility, maintaining waivers, time keeping, scoring and keeping stats for the game. Should also be familiar with basic rules.
Games are cancelled on the turf field if it is raining out?
What is False, games can be played unless there is lightening. Turf fields retain a lot of water!!
If there is an emergency in the gym, who should you call and what is the number?
What is 5, or 3511, also notify a supervisor, depending upon the severity of the injury
True or False: Subs are only allowed on dead balls?
What is False. Subs are allowed on the fly. However if the player coming on the field comes on prior to a player leaving the field a free kick will be awarded. Players can not come on to gain advantage.
If a former varsity player is playing their own sport, how many are allowed per team? Is a player a former varsity player if they played their sport in the Fall and want to play a spring sport?
What is 2, and No, they are considered a varsity player if they played a sport or were on a roster for that academic year.
If a fight breaks what form should be filled out? If someone sprains their ankle what form should be filled out?
What is fight=-incident, sprain ankle=accident report
Name 3 fields that we use for intramurals
What is baseball field, practice field and competition field.
If there are people in the gym and an intramural sport is scheduled to be in the gym, what do you do? What if a team is on the court?
What is, kindly tell the students that intramurals is about to start. If a team is on the court, notify a Rec. supervisor, they will check the schedule.
Is there overtime, if so when? How long?
What is Yes but only in the post season. OT is 5mins and is sudden death.
What is the Crease in Indoor soccer?
What is The taped line will be the marked crease. All shots must be struck outside of the crease in order to score a goal. Balls shot inside of the crease will be disallowed.
What happens if you don't show up for a shift and you don't notify Jantzen or the supervisor, or find a replacement?
What is Anyone who doesn't show up for a shift withough finding a replacement or giving advance notification will result in a write up in the supervisor report. A shift will be lost effective immediately.
Name 3 things that are NOT permitted on all of the turf fields
What is no: sunflower seeds, smoking, gum chewing, food or drinks, and driving stakes or sharp objects.
Name 3 locations, where we have AED's in our facility
What is Fitness center, atrium, aux. training room, intramural closet.
Answer the following questions, true or false: each team gets 1 time out per game. 2. a goal is scored only if it goes completely over the line. 3. If the ball hits the ceiling it is still playable?
What is 1. False, no time outs. 2. True 3. False, it is out of bounds!
No question free 500 points!!!
What is Free points, way to take a risk!
what is our sportsmanship policy?
What is teams will be graded based on their sportsmanship. This includes, before, during and after games. This includes friends and fans. It includes how one treats opponents, teammates and intramural staff. IM supervisors and refs will be grading teams. Any team that receives a grade less than a B average will not be elgible for playoffs, until they meet with Jantzen and Jen.