The finding that long-term memory is enhanced when learning events are spaced apart in time
what is the spacing effect
Freud's professional training
Medical doctor - neurology
Belief about the relative goodness of people
what is true...humanism focuses on the goodness of people
The number of core traits that most researchers agree upon
what is 5.
Arousal, behavior, conscious experience
what are the three ingredients of emotion
Six universal emotions
what are happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, fear, and disgust
Tendency for subsequent information to affect memory of events
what is the misinformation effect
Lack of testability, lack of empirical support
what are some problems with Freud's theories
The most basic needs that need to be fulfilled according to Maslow
what are physiological needs
The personality characteristic that prompts some people to be fueled by social experiences and others to be drained by them
what is extraversion
The theory that argues that emotion is a product of attributing arousal to cues in the environment
what is the two factor theory of emotion
Sexual orientation, health, political affiliation, social status, and Mormonism.
what are things we can learn by looking at pictures of people's faces.
The part of the brain that stores implicit knowledge
what is the cerebellum
The defense mechanism that underlies all of the other defense mechanisms
what is repression
What Maslow referred to as "one's best self"
what is self-actualization
The personality trait that includes diligence and attention to detail.
what is conscientiousness
Theory that argues that arousal comes before the experience of emotion
what is James-Lange
Increase in vocal pitch
what is one of the most reliable signals of deception
The part of the brain that stores most explicit knowledge
What is the hippocampus
Defense mechanisms that actually have empirical support
what are reaction formation and projection
The need to develop a sense of self-worth
what are esteem needs
The personality trait that includes proneness to anxiety and moodiness
what is neuroticism (emotional stability)
Emotion theory that argues that arousal and the subjective experience of emotion happen at the same time
what is Cannon-Bard theory of emotion.
These nonverbal cues are culturally-specific
what are gestures.
This is the neural/brain's basis for memory
what is long-term potentiation
A defense mechanism in which people express the opposite of their true feelings
what is reaction formation
The stage Maslow added later in life, that focuses beyond the individual
what is self-transcendence (about giving to others, spirituality)
One of the things we can accurately infer by looking at people's offices/personal spaces
what is conscientiousness and openness to experience
The reason it would be a good idea to take someone to the Field of Screams on a first date
what is misattribution of arousal
The type of lies that we typically do better detecting
what are high stakes lies.