Research methods
Sleep Disorders and more
Developmental 2
This and That
Psychology and the Fields of Psychology

He developed the psychodynamic perspective.

a) Skinner

b) Watson

c) Rogers

d) Freud


What research method tells us a relationship between two variables?

a) experimental

b) correlational

c) all research methods 

d) both a and b 



What is the most common sleep disorder?

a) chronic fatigue syndrome

b) sleep apnea

c) narcolepsy

d) insomnia


Who developed the concept of schemas? 

a) Freud

b) Skinner

c) Watson 

d) Piaget


What is the most effective parenting style?

a) permissive

b) authoritative

c) authoritarian

d) neutral 


What was Sigmund Freud most interested in? 

a) The behaviors of individuals

b) Childhood experiences

c) The unconscious mind

d) both b and c


A psychologist who will evaluate, diagnose, and treat individuals with all mental health disorders. 

a) counseling psychologist

b) developmental psychologist

c) clinical psychologist

d) all the above 


Introducing a client to more positive coping skills falls under what perspective? 

a) Behavioral

b) Cognitive

c) Humanistic

d) Psychodynamic


In an experimental research study, what variable does the experimenter manipulate? 

a) participants

b) dependent variable

c) independent variable

d) unconditioned variable 


What is hypersomnia? 

a) lack of sleep

b) too much sleep

c) poor sleep due to a medical condition

d) feeling energized when attempting to sleep 


Stephanie calls all vehicles with wheels a car. She doesn't know the difference between a car and a truck, bus or motorcycle. This is known as what? 

a) accommodation

b) association

c) acclimation

d) assimilation 


According to many teenagers, the statement, "It could never happen to me" falls under _____.

a) personal fable

b)  personal myth

c) personal tale

d) personal epic


The assignment where you are implementing something good toward someone else each day falls under ______________.

a) Positive Psychology

b) Effective Psychology

c) Productive Psychology

d) Explicit Psychology 


Psychologists who focus on the different changes that occur throughout the lifespan.

a) genetic psychologists

b) developmental psychologists

c) evolutionary psychologists

d) Evolving psychologists 


Mary informs her therapist that she can never do anything right. The therapist addresses this statement by using what perspective?

a) behavioral

b) cognitive

c) humanistic

d) psychodynamic


Dr Wallace wants to see if listening to soothing music prior to a test will decrease test anxiety. What is the independent variable?

a) Students with test anxiety

b) Test anxiety

c) Soothing music

d) A decrease in anxiety 


Not getting enough sleep can led to weight gain,

a) True

b) False


How many stages of cognitive development did Piaget introduce?

a) 3

b) 5

c) 4

d) 6


This research design compares individuals of different ages.

a) cross-sectional

b) longitudinal

c) correlational

d) experimental 


Our awareness of our thoughts, memories, feelings, and our environment. 

a) self-awareness

b) consciousness

c) self-recognition 

d) sequential processing 


Field of psychology that applies to the legal system

a) judicial psychology

b) Legal psychology

c) forensic psychology

d) investigative psychology 

"Talk therapy" falls under this perspective.

a) behavioral

b) humanistic

c) psychodynamic

d) cognitive 


The tendency of experimenters to influence the results in the expected direction of a research study is called this. 

a) Experimenter Favoritism

b) Experimenter Preference

c) Experimenter Bias

d) This does not occur in a research study/ 


Which of the following is not a parasomnia sleep disorder? 

a) sleepwalking

b) sleep terrors

c) sleep apnea

d) nightmare disorder


Piaget's second stage of cognitive development is ____.

a) concrete operational

b) sensorimotor

c) pre-operational 

d) There is no second stage


What is the second stage of the Kubler Ross model?

a) bargaining

b) depression

c) denial

d) anger 


John is totally focused on a book he is reading and is unaware of the noises around him. This is an example of _____________.

a) selective awareness

b) selective attention 

c) particular awareness

d) eclectic attention 


Studies and advises individuals in the workplace on different behaviors and issues

a) Industrial Psychologists

b) Organizational Psychologists

c) both a and b

d) none of the above 


A student gets a surprise when seeing a 100% on a test, so in the future, the student works hard to get another surprise. This would fall under what perspective? 

a) psychodynamic

b) cognitive

c) behavioral

d) It does not fall under a perspective. 


What is a major downfall of a longitudinal study? 

a) It is very costly.

b) It is time consuming.

c) The researcher loses interest.

d) Participants can drop out or die. 


A person who has difficulty falling asleep and then staying asleep (wakes up at least once during the night) may be suffering from _____________.

a) Cataplexy

b) Narcolepsy

c) sleep Apnea

d) Insomnia


Up until about 6 months of age, what do infants lack? If they don't see it, it doesn't exist. 

a) Object Permanence

b) Object Stability

c) Object Recognition

d) Object Appreciation 

Research shows that ______ actually shows aging. 

a) a healthy diet

b) exercise

c) proper sleep

d) meditation 


A student who misses several days of class has lower test grades. What type of correlation is this?

a) positive

b) negative

c) no correlation


More focused on the treatment of individuals with fewer mental health problems and diagnoses

a) clinical psychologists

b) psychotherapists

c) counseling psychologists

d) a licensed therapist 


Everyone has their own unique identity. This statement falls under what perspective? 

a) psychodynamic

b) Freudian

c) behavioral

d) humanistic 


Studying one person or different people at different times to gather in-depth information using interviews is what type of research method? 

a) Individual study

b) Case Study

c) Correlational Study

d) Base Study


Individuals who uncontrollably fall asleep during the day, even while in the middle of a task, may be suffering from __________.

a) insomnia

b) sleep apnea

c) chronic fatigue syndrome 

d) narcolepsy


What is animistic thinking? 

a) If something bad happens, they think they caused it.

b) Thinking that someone else can read their mind.

c) role playing and imitating others

d) They believe objects are living and have feelings. 


Jenny is talking to her aunt on the phone. Jenny suddenly points to her new toy and says, "Look at what I got for my birthday!". This is an example of _________.

a) animism

b) conservation

c) symbolic thinking

d) egocentrism 


You want to find out if meditation before taking the SAT's will improve math scores. You randomly assign 5 students to the experimental group and 5 students to the control group. What is the dependent variable?

a) the students

b) meditation

c) math scores

d) the amount of students in each group


If your dog constantly barks and you want to learn how to stop him, what field of psychology might you turn to?

a) Educational

b) Forensic

c) Abnormal

d) Behavioral 


If you ask a client, "What medications are you taking?" you are using what perspective? 

a) genetic

b) biological

c) humanistic

d) behavioral 


When using this research method, the researcher observes people in the real world. 

a) Environmental Research

b) Real-life Observations

c) Naturalistic Observation

d) Observational Research 


An individual is experiencing interrupted sleep, and people in the household complain of loud snoring. This person may be suffering from ______.

a) narcolepsy

b) cataplexy

c) insomnia

d) sleep apnea


What stage of development did Piaget consider a major turning point in the child's cognitive development? 

a) pre-operational

b) formal

c) concrete

d) It depends on the child. 


During what stage of development can a child take a group of Legos and place them in order from largest to smallest. 

a) preoperational

b) concrete operational 

c) formal operational

d) sensorimotor stage


You want to find out if meditation before taking the SAT's will improve math scores. You randomly assign 5 students to the experimental group and 5 students to the control group. What is the experimental group? 

a) students who meditate

b) students who do not meditate

c) both groups meditate but one group meditates longer


Which of the following statements is false?

a) Psychologists and psychiatrists are medical doctors.

b) A psychologist can have either a PhD or a PsyD/

c) Only a psychiatrist can prescribe medications.

d) They are actually all true.


Which of the following is a true statement? The Humanistic perspective.....

a) focuses on the "here and now"

2) focuses primarily on the future

3) focuses mostly on the past

4) focuses on the past and the future


The most frequently used method of research is ____.

a) correlational

b) case study

c) experimental

d) They are all used frequently. 


Dream analysis falls under what perspective? 

a) biological

b) behavioral

c) cognitive

d) psychodynamic 


What is the correct order of Piaget's model of cognitive development? 

a) preoperational, sensorimotor, formal, concrete

b) concrete, preoperational, formal, sensorimotor

c) sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete, formal

d)There is no exact order


What is poorly developed at birth? 

a) vision

b) hearing

c) smell

d) none of the above 


When is informed consent addressed with an individual participating in a research study.

a) during the study

b) after the study

c) before the study

d) when the researcher decides to address it

What filed of psychology would explore why children at the age of 16 months are still not walking. 

a) behavioral

b) developmental

c) health

d) clinical 


I failed the test and will never get into grad school. What perspective would a therapist use to address this comment?

a) behavioral

b) humanistic

c) psychodynamic

d) cognitive 


Which of the following statements is false regarding a cross-sectional study?

a) You can get quick results

b) It is costly

c) Data can be collected at the same time

d) It is not only quick but an easy way of getting information 


Which of the following is a circadian rhythm disorder? 

a) nightmare disorder

b) sleepwalking

c) jet lag

d) chronic fatigue syndrome


Two theories related to aging are Programmed Theory and __________.

a) Damaged theory

b) Impaired theory

c) Flawed theory

d) Unsettled theory 


The stage of Kubler Ross where a person has a lot of "what if" questions. 

a) bargaining

b) anger

c) denial

d) depression 


What is the core of every relationship that makes the relationship last? 

a) honesty

b) communication

c) companionship

d) respect 


The field of psychology that determines accuracy of eyewitness testimony

a) judicial

b) forensic

c) legal

d) clinical 


People who apply this perspective treat others with empathy and focus on what is positive.

a) cognitive

b) behavioral

c) humanistic

d) psychodynamic 


As depression increases, self-esteem decreases. What type of correlation is this? 

a) positive

b) negative

c) no correlation

d) it depends 


A tingly or prickly feeling in your legs, along with a powerful urge to move them. What is the sleep disorder? 

a) Uneasy leg syndrome

b) Agitated leg syndrome

c) Restive leg syndrome

d) Restless leg syndrome 


In this stage of cognitive development, a child can now recognize that his dog is a Labrador, that a Labrador is a dog, and that a dog is an animal. 

a) concrete operational

b) preoperational 

c) formal operational 

d) sensorimotor 


What metaphor did I use in class when addressing loss and closure?

a) a house

b) a rock

c) a heart

d) a tree


Which of the following is not a descriptive research method? 

a) the case study

b) naturalistic observation

c) surveys

d) experimental research 


Field of study that would focus on obedience and conformity.

a) forensic

b) research

c) social

d) developmental 
