Finnish the statement (FFA Motto)
learning to do
The 2 FFA colors are National Blue and Corn Gold
true or false
What is a sole proprietorship?
a business owned and run by one person, with no distinction between the business and the owner
What is the term for a young pig
Name 3 beef breeds
hereford, angus, brahman, charolais
Finnish the statement (FFA Motto)
doing to learn
Who is the father of FFA
Henry Groseclose
What is a partnership?
a business structure where two or more people share ownership and responsibility for a business's profits and liabilities
What do you call the process of giving birth to sheep
Name 3 different poultry breeds
silkie, rhode island red, isa brown, plymoth rock chicken
Finnish the statement (FFA Motto)
earning to live
What act of congress provided high school AG programs with funds?
Smith Hughes act
What is a LLC?
a business structure that protects the assets of its owners from lawsuits and creditors
What is the term for a castrated male pig?
Name 3 swine breeds
duroc, berkshire, hampshire
Finnish the statement (FFA motto)
living to serve
Name the 6 parts of the FFA emblem
plow, owl, corn, rising sun, flag, eagle
What is marketing?
the enterprise & pursuit of ideation, creation, communication, and delivery of profitable products and services to targeted customers for their benefit of a society as a whole
What is the term for a mature male sheep that is used for breeding?
Name 3 goat breeds
boer, kiko, nubian
What does SAEP stand for?
supervised AG Experience Program
List the 4 types of FFA memberships
active, alumni, collegiate, honorary
Marketing is divided into 8 interrelated functions that are critical to the success of a business
true or false
What is a male goat called?
Name 3 sheep breeds
merino, dorper, suffolk