What are the books in the Old Testament?
Law, History, Poetry, Prophets.
What are the main sections of the Bible?
The Old Testament and The New Testament.
What is a Testament?
A Testament is a Bible agreement, contract, or covenant, specifically between God and man.
How many languages was the Bible translated into?
The Bible was translated in over 2000 languages.
After 1000 years, what was the percentage of Bible copies that were identical?
What are the books in the New Testament called?
Gospels, Church, Letters, and Prophecy.
How many books does the New Testament consist of?
The New Testament has 27 books.
What is Church History?
A record of Church growth.
Who translated the first Bible?
John Wycliffe
Why is the Bible Relevant Today?
It inspires millions of people throughout their daily lives.
Definition of Prophets?
Prophets are people who foretell the future or speak God's words to the people.
How many books do the Old Testament consist of?
The Old Testament has 39 books.
What is a Reference?
It is a verse locator in the Bible.
How is the Bible reliable?
The Bible is reliable because Abraham, Jesus, Hittite People, Nazareth, and Pontius Pilate has all been affirmed by modern archaeologists discoveries.
Definition of the Books of Law?
God's commands for his people.
How many books the Protestant Bible consist of in all?
The Protestant Bible has 66 books in all.
What is the Old Testament?
The Old Testament records the history of God's agreement or special promise to the people of Israel, through the Law.
Who wrote the earliest letters in the New Testament?
Apostle Paul
Definition of Gospels?
Biographies of Jesus' Life, Death, and Resurrection.
What is the New Testament?
The New Testament records the history of God's agreement or special promise to all people, through Jesus Christ.
The Septuagint was used by who?
Jesus and the early Christians