This Existential Philosopher used Logo Therapy and authored A Man's Search for Meaning.
Who is Victor Frankl?
This technique features the use of two-buttons on each thigh (or modified on the palms of the hand).
What is the push-button technique?
What is the Id? *Bonus if you can sing the Janet Jackson song Pleasure Principle.
At the start of session, the client needs to understand their rights and responsibilities, which is part of this.
What is informed consent? *client rights acceptable as well.
One thing a new counselor faces is learning that progress may or may not be visible in clients. Corey said it was this.
What is tolerating ambiguity?
What is responsibility?
One of the key indicators of mental health per Adler is.
What is social interest? *social engagement accepted.
Freud proposed the developmental stages of childhood. The third stage is what.
What is Phallic Stage?
If a client reports suicidal ideation, you are allowed to do this.
What is breach confidentiality?
What is developing boundaries?
What is meaning?
Adler used a process of thorough investigation into the client's life and past. This process is.
What is Family Constellation or Lifestyle Assessment?
This is the fear of a boy that his father will castrate him if he tries to take his mother.
What is castration anxiety?
A therapist works with a client who also is her optometrist. This is.
What is a dual relationship?
What is a good model? *Also accepted authentic or therapeutic.
According to Yalom, this is a given part of normal life.
What is normal anxiety?
This technique was a key process in therapy.
What is encouragement?
A client projects his or her own feelings/attributes on to someone else is this.
What is projection?
This is the most important first step in addressing an ethical dilemma.
What is defining the problem?
This is encouraged by Corey for new counselors.
What is attending counseling?
A therapist works with the client to help them to live like this.
What is authentically?
This technique was used to help the client visualize when the problem is not the problem.
What is Acting As If?
This is a technique that explores the unconscious using the royal road of dreams.
What is dream analysis?
These therapies have research supporting their ability to help clients.
What are Evidenced Based Practices?
To develop therapeutic skills for different race or ethnic population, this is one suggestion from Corey.
What is either attend continuing education with these groups or study the history?
Existentialism is an approach because of this.
What is its lack of techniques allowing it to be used with any therapy?
What is helping the client to reorient to usefulness?
The goal in psychoanalysis is for the client to do this to the therapist.
What is project his or her feelings onto the therapist using the blank slate approach?
Assessment of clients of different racial or ethnic backgrounds need to be this.
What is culturally sensitive?
One thing all clinicians (school counselors, school psychologists, therapists, psychologist, psychiatrists, or social workers) need to do is this.
What is self-care?