The study of the rights, responsibilities, and duties of citizens.
What is Civics?
Spain explored the New World in search of:
What is gold?
The first permanent English Colony in America:
What is Jamestown?
Believed in the separation of powers and a system of checks & balances:
Who is Baron de Montesquieu?
The first shots fired in the Revolutionary War were in:
What is Lexington & Concord?
The concept of citizenship began in:
The exchange of goods between the Old and New World:
What is the Columbian Exchange?
This event was the result of a growing fear of the Devil, a fascination with death, and women who had become "too independent" in New England:
What is the Salem Witch Trials?
Believed in the Freedom of Speech & Religion:
Who is Voltaire?
This geographic feature had a major influence on the Proclamation of 1763:
What is the Appalachian Mountains?
The Three of Levels of Government are:
What is Federal, State, and Local?
The reason Puritans, Quakers, and Catholics immigrated to the New World:
What is to escape religious persecution?
This event was a direct result of poor, angry colonists who were dissatisfied with the lack of political representation, safety from the Indians, and taxes:
What is Bacon's Rebellion?
Believed that humans are naturally cruel, selfish, and hungry for power; and favored an Absolute Monarchy:
Who is Thomas Hobbes?
According to the Declaration of Independence, the government gets their power from:
What is the consent of the governed?
Obeying the Law, Paying Taxes, Serving in the Military (Draft), and Jury Duty are examples of:
What is a Civic Duty?
France explored the New World in search of:
What is Gold (Wealth) & to convert Indians to Catholicism?
This series of laws passed restricted trade for the English colonies, and was the first step towards the ending of Salutary Neglect within the Colonies:
What is the Navigation Acts?
Believed people are born with natural rights (life, liberty, and property) and that people are reasonable and should have the ability to overthrow a tyrannical king:
Who is John Locke?
The Declaration of Independence was written by the colonies in order to:
What is to formalize the Colonies independence from Great Britain?
The Four Functions of Government in the United States are:
This colony was known for being one of the most free and diverse colonies in America: (Name of the Founding Country & Name of the Colony)
What is the Dutch & New Amsterdam?
New England Town Meetings, Virginia's House of Burgess, the Mayflower Compact, and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were examples of:
What is the establishment of self-governance and democracy in the colonies?
Believed that people are naturally good (but power corrupts them), and that the government should be guided by the general will of the majority of citizens:
Who is Jean-Jacques Rosseau?
Four strengths that the Americans had when the Revolutionary War began were:
What is familiarity with the environment, commitment to win the War, defensive strategy to outlast the British, and the charismatic leadership of General George Washington?