According to The Skilled Helper, clients are often ___ problem solvers.
Clients are often poor (or unsuccessful) problem solvers.
From Chapter 1
The ability to sense other people's emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
Empathy, or 'empathetic responses.'
It's not aggressive, it's not passive, it's _____.
Assertive! (or assertiveness)
Chapter 5
The title of our second textbook (hint: you should have a copy by now....!)
The Elements of Counseling
See our syllabus for more information.
One way to create a sense of joining/engage with a client non-verbally relates to similar body posturing of the counselor and client. Such as: if the client crosses their legs, the counselor might also cross their legs. What's this called?
Mirroring/ or mirror of body posture.
This organizes ingredients of successful therapy.
The Problem-Management Framework.
From Chapter 1
Every client has a ______.
Chapter 3
Her first name is Brene, and her last name is...
(she's the author we discussed in week #2)
Last day of class is...
Tuesday, November 17th.
This info is found in the syllabus (last page)
Most helping professionals adhere to a ___ of ethics in their work. This includes social workers, for example.
Code - a code of ethics.
It helps Clients Make it All Happen!
The Action Arrow!
From Chapter 2
One way to establish attention to your client is to maintain ____ contact.
Chapter 4.
Fake it till you make it with clients is a great idea (True/False).
Clients can tell when you are not being your authentic self.
Chapter 5
How many weeks are in this fall semester?
From our syllabus
Sharing the limits of confidentiality of a session/meeting is a good idea.
Absolutely! Set the stage for success.
Helping is a collaborative process. (True/False)
True! Your client must engage and be a central part of this process.
From Chapter 3
The art of __________.
Shared beliefs and assumptions interact with shared values and produce shared norms that drive shared patterns of behavior.
Chapter 3
Critical skill activities each count for what percentage of your overall class grade?
See syllabus for more.
As helpers, we're expected to have all of the answers (True/False).
Not at all - this is false.
We're on a mission to help our clients understand choices and to help them along a journey/path.
Helping is a two-way ______.
Chapter 3
Non-verbal and verbal are both types of ________.
Chapter 4
Your professor's email address.
In our syllabus, of course! And on the contact instructor page on modules.
Day of the week your professor has office hours?
Mondays! When school is in session.
From our syllabus.
Your professor's name.
What, did you forget who I am already?!? I know it's been a long couple of weeks and all... :)