Business Skills
Personal skills
Career Awareness
How to get a job
Soft skills
When talking about jobs, what are data, people, & things?
What are the three main categories of kinds of careers by their focus.
Josh loves animals. Taking care of them always came naturally to him. Would this be considered an aptitude or a skill?
What is aptitude
Most communication is understood without words. This is known as
What is non-verbal communication/ body language
What tool beyond your resume and cover letter can be used to help you stand apart and get a job?
What is a portfolio
Repeating or paraphrasing what someone says is an example of what form of listening? (hint: what do you see when you look in a mirror?)
What is reflective listening
Different ways people learn help them choose what job is a good fit. The way you naturally think is called your: a. aptitude b. personality c. learning style
What is learning style
Connie enjoys playing the flute, shopping and movies. These activities are considered: a. goals b. skills c. interests
What are interests
Groups of like jobs in Maryland are put together, such as: Police, Fire, Military. These groupings are called...
What are career clusters
Networking, employment agencies, and classified ads are all tools to used to find...
What are sources of job leads
The first step in the decision-making process is to:
What is define your need or want
Jeremy is applying for a job. With his resume he should send: a. a picture of himself b. a letter of reference from his mother c. a cover letter
What is a cover letter
Peter wants to live at the beach someday. This is an example of: a. Resource b. values c. lifestyle goal
What is lifestyle goal
Skills that you learn at one job that can be used at another are called: a. obsolete b. transferable c. manageable
What is transferable
If you are under 18, your parents must fill out a form giving the state permission for you to work. What is this form called?
What is a work permit
It will take Tom 2 years to take classes and earn a license to fix HVAC. This is his a. resume builder b. medium-term goal c. career profile
What is a medium-term goal
When Akira finished her work, she went to the manager and asked what more there was to do. This is an example of: a. irresponsibility b. overtime c. initiative
What is initiative
The principles by which you live are called your...
What are values
During an interview, which of the following is an employer not allowed to ask? a. your age b. your religion c. your gender
What is your religion
Finding out if there will or won't be jobs in the future for a specific field is: a. certification b. global opportunity c. career outlook
What is career outlook
There is a process when setting goals. They should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These are called ________________goals.
What are SMART goals
Ethics is: a. a work task b. the outcome of an event c. new learning d. a guiding set of principles
What is a guiding set of principles
The decision-making process is: a. A logical series of steps to identify and evaluate possibilities b. the ability to set goals c. a research project
What is: A logical series of steps to identify and evaluate possibilities
A person's standard of living refers to: a. options after graduation b. going to college c. getting rich d. the goods and services essential for living
What is essential goods and services
Health insurance provided by your employer is an example of: a. value b. benefit c. salary
What is a benefit
The term for a practice interview is: a. practice interview b. mock interview c. job shadowing
What is a mock interview